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Details how to add customizations, features, and new capabilities to EDC components.

    This chapter covers adding custom features and capabilities to an EDC runtime by creating extensions. Features can be wide-ranging, from a specific data validation or policy function to integration with an identity system. We will focus on common extension use cases, for example, implementing specific dataspace requirements. For more complex features and in-depth treatment, refer to the Contributor documentation.

    This chapter requires a thorough knowledge of Java and modern build systems such as Gradle and Maven. As you read through this chapter, it will be helpful to consult the extensions contained in the EDC Samples repository.

    The EDC Module System

    EDC is built on a module system that contributes features as extensions to a runtime. It’s accurate to say that EDC, at its core, is just a module system. Runtimes are assembled to create components such as a control plane, a data plane, or an identity hub. The EDC module system provides a great deal of flexibility as it allows you to easily add customizations and target diverse deployment topologies, from small-footprint single-instance components to highly reliable, multi-cluster setups.

    When designing an extension, it’s important to consider all the possible target deployment topologies. For example, features should typically scale up to work in a cluster and scale down to low-overhead and test environments. In addition to good architectural planning (e.g., using proper concurrency strategies in a cluster), we will cover techniques such as default services that facilitate support for diverse deployment environments.

    To understand the EDC module system, we will start with three of its most important characteristics: static modules defined at build time, design-time encapsulation as opposed to runtime encapsulation, and a focus on extensions, not applications.

    The EDC module system is based on a static design. Unlike dynamic systems such as OSGi, EDC modules are defined at build time and are not cycled at runtime. EDC’s static module system delegates the task of loading and unloading runtime images to deployment infrastructure, whether the JUnit platform or Kubernetes. A new runtime image must be deployed if a particular module needs to be loaded. In practice, this is easy to do, leverages the strengths of modern deployment infrastructure, and greatly reduces the module system’s complexity.

    The EDC module system also does not support classloader isolation between modules like OSGi or the Java Platform Module System. While some use cases require strong runtime encapsulation, the EDC module system made the trade-off for simplicity. Instead, it relies on design-time encapsulation enforced by modern build systems such as Gradle or Maven, which support multi-project layouts that enforce class visibility constraints.

    Finally, the EDC module system is not a framework like Spring. Its design is centered on managing and assembling extensions, not making applications easier to write by providing API abstractions and managing individual services and their dependencies.

    Extension Basics

    If you are unfamiliar with bundling EDC runtimes, please read the chapter on Distributions, Deployment, and Operations. Let’s assume we have already enabled a runtime build that packages all EDC classes into a single executable JAR deployed in a Docker container.

    An EDC extension can be created by implementing the ServiceExtension interface:

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
        public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
            // do something

    To load the extension, the SampleExtension must be on the runtime classpath (e.g., in the runtime JAR) and configured using a Java ServiceLoader provider file. The latter is done by including an entry for the implementation class in the META-INF/services/org.eclipse.edc.spi.system.ServiceExtension file.

    SPI: Service Provider Interface

    In the previous example, the extension did nothing. Generally, an extension provides a service to the runtime. It’s often the case that an extension also requires a service contributed by another extension. The EDC module system uses the Service Provider Interface (SPI) pattern to enable cross-extension dependencies:

    An SPI module containing the shared service interface is created. The service implementation is packaged in a separate module that depends on the SPI module. The extension that requires the service then depends on the SPI module, not the implementation module. We will see in the next section how the EDC module system wires the service implementation to the extension that requires it. At this point, it is important to note that the build system maintains encapsulation since the two extension modules do not have a dependency relationship.

    The SPI pattern is further used to define extension points. An extension point is an interface that can be implemented to provide a defined set of functionality. For example, there are extension points for persisting entities to a store and managing secrets in a vault. The EDC codebase is replete with SPI modules, which enables diverse runtimes to be assembled with just the required features, thereby limiting their footprint and startup overhead.

    Providing and Injecting Services

    The EDC module system assembles extensions into a runtime by wiring services to ServiceExtensions that require them and initialing the latter. An extension can provide services that are used by other extensions. This is done by annotating a factory method with the org.eclipse.edc.runtime.metamodel.annotation.Provider annotation:

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
        public CustomService initializeService(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
           return new CustomServiceImpl();

    In the above example, initializeService will be invoked when the extension is loaded to supply the CustomService, which will be registered so other extensions can access it. The initializeService method takes a ServiceExtensionContext, which is optional (no-param methods can also be used with @Provider). Provider methods must also be public and not return void.

    Provided services are singletons, so remember that they must be thread-safe.

    The CustomService can be accessed by injecting it into a ServiceExtension using the org.eclipse.edc.runtime.metamodel.annotation.Inject annotation:

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
    	private CustomService customService;
        public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
            var extensionDelegate = ... // create and register a delegate with the CustomService

    When the EDC module system starts, it scans all ServiceExtension implementations and builds a dependency graph from the provided and injected services. The graph is then sorted (topologically) to order extension startup based on dependencies. Each extension is instantiated, injected, and initialized in order.

    The EDC module system does not support assigning extensions to runlevels by design. Instead, it automatically orders extensions based on their dependencies. If you find the need to control the startup order of extensions that do not have a dependency, reconsider your approach. It’s often a sign of a hidden coupling that should be explicitly declared.

    Service Registries

    Service Registries are often used in situations where multiple implementations are required. For example, entities may need to be validated by multiple rules that are contributed as services. The recommended way to handle this is to create a registry that accepts extension services and delegates to them when performing an operation. The following is an example of a registry used to validate DataAddresses:

    public interface DataAddressValidatorRegistry {
         * Register a source DataAddress object validator for a specific DataAddress type
         * @param type the DataAddress type string.
         * @param validator the validator to be executed.
        void registerSourceValidator(String type, Validator<DataAddress> validator);
         * Register a destination DataAddress object validator for a specific DataAddress type
         * @param type the DataAddress type string.
         * @param validator the validator to be executed.
        void registerDestinationValidator(String type, Validator<DataAddress> validator);
         * Validate a source data address
         * @param dataAddress the source data address.
         * @return the validation result.
        ValidationResult validateSource(DataAddress dataAddress);
         * Validate a destination data address
         * @param dataAddress the destination data address.
         * @return the validation result.
        ValidationResult validateDestination(DataAddress dataAddress);

    Validator instances can be registered by other extensions, which will then be dispatched to when one of the validation methods is called:

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
    	@Inject private
    	DataAddressValidatorRegistry registry;
        public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
            var validator = ... // create and register the validator
            customService.register(TYPE, validator);


    Extensions will typically need to access configuration. The ServiceExtensionContext provides several methods for reading configuration data. Configuration values are resolved in the following order:

    • From a ConfigurationExtension contributed in the runtime. EDC includes a configuration extension that reads values from a file.
    • From environment variables, capitalized names are made lowercase, and underscores are converted to dot notation. For example, “HTTP_PORT” would be transformed to “HTTP.port.”
    • From Java command line properties.

    The recommended approach to reading configuration is through one of the two config methods: ServiceExtensionContext.getConfig() or ServiceExtensionContext.getConfig(path). The returned Config object can navigate a configuration hierarchy based on the dot notation used by keys. To understand how this works, let’s start with the following configuration values:


    Invoking context.getConfig("group") will return a config object that can be used for typed access to group values or to navigate the hierarchy further:

    var groupConfig = context.getConfig("group");
    var groupValue1 = groupConfig.getString("subgroup.key1"); // equals "value1"
    var subGroupValue1 = groupConfig.getConfig("subgroup").getString("key1"); // equals "value1"

    The Config class contains other useful methods, so it is worth looking at it in detail.

    Extension Loading

    Service extensions have the following lifecycle that is managed by the EDC module system:

    Runtime PhaseExtension PhaseDescription
    LOADResolves and introspects ServiceExtension implementations on the classpath, builds a dependency graph, and orders extensions.
    BOOTFor each extension, cycle through the INJECT, INITIALIZE, and PROVIDE phases.
    INJECTInstantiate the service extension class and inject it with dependencies.
    INITIALIZEInvoke the ServiceExtension.initialize() method.
    PROVIDEInvoke all @Provider factory methods on the extension instance and register returned services.
    PREPAREFor each extension, ServiceExtension.prepare() is invoked.
    STARTFor each extension, ServiceExtension.start() is invoked. The runtime is in normal operating mode.
    SHUTDOWNFor each extension in reverse order, ServiceExtension.shutdown() is invoked.
    Most extensions will implement the ServiceExtension.initialize() and ServiceExtension.shutdown() callbacks.

    Extension Services

    Default Services

    Sometimes, it is desirable to provide a default service if no other implementation is available. For example, in an integration test setup, a runtime may provide an in-memory store implementation when a persistent storage implementation is not configured. Default services alleviate the need to explicitly configure extensions since they are not created if an alternative exists. Creating a default service is straightforward - set the isDefault attribute on @Provider to true:

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
        @Provider (isDefault = true)
        public CustomService initializeDefaultService(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
            new DefaultCustomService();

    If another extension implements CustomService, SampleExtension.initializeDefaultService() will not be invoked.

    Creating Custom APIs and Controllers

    Extensions may create custom APIs or ingress points with JAX-RS controllers. This is done by creating a web context and registering JAX-RS resource under that context. A web context is a port and path mapping under which the controller will be registered. For example, a context with a port and path set to 9191 and custom-api respectively may expose a controller annotated with @PATH("custom-resources") at:


    Web contexts enable deployments to segment where APIs are exposed. Operational infrastructure may restrict management APIs to an internal network while another API may be available over the public internet.

    EDC includes convenience classes for configuring a web context:

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
        private WebServer webServer;
        private WebServiceConfigurer configurer;
        private WebService webService;
    	public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    		var settings = WebServiceSettings.Builder.newInstance()
    				.name("Custom API")
            var config = context.getConfig("web.http.custom-context");
            configurer.configure(config, webServer, settings);
    		webService.registerResource("custom-context", new CustomResourceController();
            webService.registerResource("custom-context", new CustomExceptionMapper());

    Let’s break down the above sample. The WebServer is responsible for creating and managing HTTP/S contexts. The WebServiceConfigurer takes a settings object and applies it to the WebServer to create a web context. In the above example, the context alias is custom-context, which will be used later to register JAX-RS controllers. The default path and port are also set and will be used if the deployment does not provide override values as part of the runtime configuration. The settings, runtime configuration, and web server instance are then passed to the configurer, which registers the HTTP/S context.

    The default port and path can be overridden by configuration settings using the web.http.custom-context config key:


    Note that the web.http prefix is used as a convention but is not strictly required.

    Once a web context is created, JAX-RS controllers, interceptors, and other resources can be registered with the WebService under the web context alias. EDC uses Eclipse Jersey and supports its standard features:

    webService.registerResource("custom-context", new CustomResourceController();
    webService.registerResource("custom-context", new CustomExceptionMapper());


    To enable custom authentication for a web context, you must:

    • Implement org.eclipse.edc.api.auth.spi.AuthenticationService and register an instance with the ApiAuthenticationRegistry.
    • Create an instance of the SPI class org.eclipse.edc.api.auth.spi.AuthenticationRequestFilter and register it as a resource for the web context.

    The following code shows how to do this:

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
    	private ApiAuthenticationRegistry authenticationRegistry;
    	private WebService webService;
    	public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    	    authenticationRegistry.register("custom-auth", new CustomAuthService());
    	    var authenticationFilter = new AuthenticationRequestFilter(authenticationRegistry, "custom-auth");
    	    webService.registerResource("custom-context", authenticationFilter);


    The EDC eventing system is a powerful way to add capabilities to a runtime. All event types derive from org.eclipse.edc.spi.event.Event and cover a variety of create, update, and delete operations, including those for:

    • Assets
    • Policies
    • Contract definitions
    • Contract negotiations
    • Transfer processes

    To receive an event, register and EventSubscriber with the org.eclipse.edc.spi.event.EventRouter. Events can be received either synchronously or asynchronously. Synchronous listeners are useful when executed transactionally in combination with the event operation. For example, a listener may wish to record audit information when an AssetUpdated event is emitted. The transaction and asset update should be rolled back if the record operation fails. Asynchronous listeners are invoked in the context of a different thread. They are useful when a listener takes a long time to complete and is fire-and-forget.

    The Monitor

    EDC does not directly use a logging framework. Log output should instead be sent to the Monitor, which will forward it to a configured sink. By default, the Monitor sends output to the console, which can be piped to another destination in a production environment. Alternatively, a custom Monitor implementation can be configured. The best way to obtain a reference to the Monitor is to inject it:

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
    	private Monitor monitor;
        public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
            new CustomServiceImpl(monitor);

    If you would like to have output prefixed for a specific service, use Monitor.withPrefix():

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
    	private Monitor monitor;
        public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    	    var prefixedMonitor = monitor.withPrefix("Sample Extension"); // this will prefix all output with [Sample Extension]
            new CustomServiceImpl(prefixedMonitor);

    Transactions and Datasources

    EDC uses transactional operations when persisting data to stores that support them such as the Postgres-backed implementations. Transaction code blocks are written using the TransactionContext, which can be injected:

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
    	private TransactionContext transactionContext;
        public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
            new CustomServiceImpl(transactionContext);

    and then:

     return transactionalContext.execute(() -> {
         // perform transactional work
         var result = ... // get the result
         return result;

    The TransactionContext supports creating a new transaction or joining an existing transaction associated with the current thread:

    transactionalContext.execute(()-> {
    		// perform work
    		// in another service, execute additional work in a transactional context and they will be part of the same transaction
    		return transactionalContext.execute(()-> {
    		  // more work
    		  return result;

    EDC also provides a DataSourceRegistry for obtaining JDBC DataSource instances that coordinate with the TransactionContext:

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
    	private DataSourceRegistry datasourceRegistry;
        public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
            new CustomServiceImpl(datasourceRegistry);

    The registry can then be used in a transactional context to obtain a DataSource:

    transactionalContext.execute(()-> {
    	var datasource = dataSourceRegistry.resolve(DATASOURCE_NAME);
    	try (var connection = datasource.getConnection()) {
    		// do work
    		return result;

    EDC provides datasource connection pooling based on Apache Commons Pool. As long as the DataSource is accessed in the same transactional context, it will automatically return the same pooled connection, as EDC manages the association of connections with transactional contexts.


    Extensions may provide custom validation for entities using the JsonObjectValidatorRegistry. For example, to register an asset validator:

    public class SampleExtension implements ServiceExtension {
    	private JsonObjectValidatorRegistry validatorRegistry;
        public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
            validator.register(Asset.EDC_ASSET_TYPE, (asset) -> {
                return ValidationResult.success();

    Note that all entities are in Json-Ld expanded form, so you’ll need to understand the intricacies of working with the JSON-P API and Json-Ld.


    EDC provides several services related to JSON serialization. The TypeManager manages ObjectMapper instances in a runtime associated with specific serialization contexts. A serialization context provides ObjectMapper instances configured based on specific requirements. Generally speaking, never create an ObjectMapper directly since it is a heavyweight object. Promote reuse by obtaining the default mapper or creating one from a serialization context with the TypeManager.

    If an extension is required to work with Json-Ld, use the JsonLd service, which includes facilities for caching Json-Ld contexts and performing expansion.

    HTTP Dispatching

    Extensions should use the EdcHttpClient to make remote HTTP/S calls. The client is based on the OkHttp library and includes retry logic, which can be obtained through injection.

    Secrets Handling and the Vault

    All secrets should be stored in the Vault. EDC supports several implementations, including one backed by Hashicorp Vault.

    Documenting Extensions

    Remember to document your extensions! EDC AutoDoc is a Gradle plugin that automates this process and helps ensure documentation remains in sync with code.