Autodoc Gradle plugin

1. Introduction

In EDC, the autodoc plugin is intended to be used to generate metamodel manifests for every Gradle module, which can then transformed into Markdown or HTML files, and subsequently be rendered for publication in static web content.

The plugin code can be found in the GradlePlugins GitHub Repository.

The autodoc plugin hooks into the Java compiler task (compileJava) and generates a module manifest file that contains meta information about each module. For example, it exposes all required and provided dependencies of an EDC ServiceExtension.

2. Module structure

The autodoc plugin is located at plugins/autodoc and consists of four separate modules:

  • autodoc-plugin: contains the actual Gradle Plugin and an Extension to configure the plugin. This module is published to MavenCentral.
  • autodoc-processor: contains an AnnotationProcessor that hooks into the compilation process and builds the manifest file. Published to MavenCentral.
  • autodoc-converters: used to convert JSON manifests to Markdown or HTML

3. Usage

In order to use the autodoc plugin we must follow a few simple steps. All examples use the Kotlin DSL.

3.1 Add the plugin to the buildscript block of your build.gradle.kts:

buildscript {
 repositories {
     maven {
         url = uri("")
 dependencies {

Please note that the repositories configuration can be omitted, if the release version of the plugin is used.

3.2 Apply the plugin to the project:

There are two options to apply a plugin. For multi-module builds this should be done at the root level.

  1. via plugin block:
    plugins {
  2. using the iterative approach, useful when applying to allprojects or subprojects:
       apply(plugin = "org.eclipse.edc.autodoc")

3.3 Configure the plugin [optional]

The autodoc plugin exposes the following configuration values:

  1. the processorVersion: tells the plugin, which version of the annotation processor module to use. Set this value if the version of the plugin and of the annotation processor diverge. If this is omitted, the plugin will use its own version. Please enter just the SemVer-compliant version string, no groupId or artifactName are needed.
    configure<org.eclipse.edc.plugins.autodoc.AutodocExtension> {
    Typically, you do not need to configure this and can safely omit it.

The plugin will then generate an edc.json file for every module/gradle project.

4. Merging the manifests

There is a Gradle task readily available to merge all the manifests into one large manifest.json file. This comes in handy when the JSON manifest is to be converted into other formats, such as Markdown, HTML, etc.

To do that, execute the following command on a shell:

./gradlew mergeManifest

By default, the merged manifests are saved to <rootProject>/build/manifest.json. This destination file can be configured using a task property:

    // delete the merged manifest before the first merge task runs
tasks.withType<MergeManifestsTask> {
    destinationFile = YOUR_MANIFEST_FILE

Be aware that due to the multithreaded nature of the merger task, every subproject’s edc.json gets appended to the destination file, so it is a good idea to delete that file before running the mergeManifest task. Gradle can take care of that for you though:

// delete the merged manifest before the first merge task runs
rootProject.tasks.withType<MergeManifestsTask> {
    doFirst { YOUR_MANIFEST_FILE.delete() }

5. Rendering manifest files as Markdown or HTML

Manifests get created as JSON, which may not be ideal for end-user consumption. To convert them to HTML or Markdown, execute the following Gradle task:

./gradlew doc2md # or doc2html

this looks for manifest files and convert them all to either Markdown (doc2md) or static HTML (doc2html). Note that if merged the manifests before (mergeManifests), then the merged manifest file gets converted too.

The resulting *.md or *.html files are located next to the edc.json file in <module-path>/build/.

6. Using published manifest files (MavenCentral)

Manifest files (edc.json) are published alongside the binary jar files, sources jar and javadoc jar to MavenCentral for easy consumption by client projects. The manifest is published using type=json and classifier=manifest properties.

Client projects that want to download manifest files (e.g. for rendering static web content), simply define a Gradle dependency like this (kotlin DSL):


For example, for the :core:control-plane:control-plane-core module in version 0.4.2-SNAPSHOT, this would be:


When the dependency gets resolved, the manifest file will get downloaded to the local gradle cache, typically located at .gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1. So in the example the manifest would get downloaded at ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.eclipse.edc/control-plane-core/0.4.2-SNAPSHOT/<HASH>/control-plane-core-0.4.2-SNAPSHOT-manifest.json