Programming Primitives

1 State machines

EDC is asynchronous by design, which means that processes are processed in such a way that they don’t block neither the runtime nor the caller. For example starting a contract negotiation is a long-running process and every contract negotiation has to traverse a series of states, most of which involve sending remote messages to the counter party. These state transitions are not guaranteed to happen within a certain time frame, they could take hours or even days.

From that it follows that an EDC instance must be regarded as ephemeral (= they can’t hold state in memory), so the state (of a contract negotiation) must be held in persistent storage. This makes it possible to start and stop connector runtimes arbitrarily, and every replica picks up where the other left off, without causing conflicts or processing an entity twice.

The state machine itself is synchronous: in every iteration it processes a number of objects and then either goes back to sleep, if there was nothing to process, or continues right away.

At a high level this is implemented in the StateMachineManager, which uses a set of Processors. The StateMachineManager sequentially invokes each Processor, who then reports the number of processed entities. In EDC’s state machines, processors are functions who handle StatefulEntities in a particular state and are registered when the application starts up:


protected StateMachineManager.Builder configureStateMachineManager(StateMachineManager.Builder builder) {
    return builder
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(OFFERING, this::processOffering))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(REQUESTED, this::processRequested))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(ACCEPTED, this::processAccepted))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(AGREEING, this::processAgreeing))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(VERIFIED, this::processVerified))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(FINALIZING, this::processFinalizing))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(TERMINATING, this::processTerminating));

This instantiates a Processor that binds a given state to a callback function. For example AGREEING -> this::processAgreeing. When the StateMachineManager invokes this Processor, it loads all contract negotiations in that state (here: AGREEING) and passes each one to the processAgreeing method.

All processors are invoked sequentially, because it is possible that one single entity transitions to multiple states in the same iteration.

1.1 Batch-size, sorting and tick-over timeout

In every iteration the state machine loads multiple StatefulEntity objects from the database. To avoid overwhelming the state machine and to prevent entites from becoming stale, two main safeguards are in place:

  • batch-size: this is the maximum amount of entities per state that are fetched from the database
  • sorting: StatefulEntity objects are sorted based on when their state was last updated, oldest first.
  • iteration timeout: if no StatefulEntities were processed, the statemachine simply yields for a configurable amount of time.

1.2 Database-level locking

In production deployments the control plane is typically replicated over several instances for performance and robustness. This must be considered when loading StatefulEntity objects from the database, because it is possible that two replicas attempt to load the same entity at the same time, which - without locks - would lead to a race condition, data inconsistencies, duplicated DSP messages and other problems.

To avoid this, EDC employs pessimistic exclusive locks on the database level for stateful entities, which are called Lease. These are entries in a database that indicate whether an entity is currently leased, whether the lease is expired and which replica leased the entity. Attempting to acquire a lease for an already-leased entity is only possible if the lease holder is the same.

Note that the value of the property is used to record the holder of a Lease. It is recommended not to configure this property in clustered environments so that randomized runtime IDs (= default) are used.

Generally the process is as follows:

  • load N “leasable” entities and acquire a lease for each one. An entity is considered “leasable” if it is not already leased, or the current runtime already holds the lease, or the lease is expired.
  • if the entity was processed, advance state, free the lease
  • if the entity was not processed, free the lease

That way, each replica of the control plane holds an exclusive lock for a particular entity while it is trying to process and advance its state.

2. Transformers

EDC uses JSON-LD serialization on API ingress and egress. For information about this can be found in this chapter, but the TL;DR is that it is necessary because of extensible properties and namespaces on wire-level DTOs.

2.1 Basic Serialization and Deserialization

On API ingress and egress this means that conventional serialization and deserialization (“SerDes”) cannot be achieved with Jackson, because Jackson operates on a configurable, but ultimately rigid schema.

For that reason, EDC implements its own SerDes layer, called “transformers”. The common base class for all transformers is the AbstractJsonLdTransformer<I,O> and the naming convention is JsonObject[To|From]<Entity>Transformer for example JsonObjectToAssetTransformer. They typically come in pairs, to enable both serialization and deserialization.

Another rule is that the entity class must contain the fully-qualified (expanded) property names as constants and typical programming patterns are:

  • deserialization: transformers contain a switch statement that parses the property names and populates the entity’s builder.
  • serialization: transformers simply construct the JsonObject based on the properties of the entity using a JsonObjectBuilder

2.1 Transformer context

Many entities in EDC are complex objects that contain other complex objects. For example, a ContractDefinition contains the asset selector, which is a List<Criterion>. However, a Criterion is also used in a QuerySpec, so it makes sense to extract its deserialization into a dedicated transformer. So when the JsonObjectFromContractDefinitionTransformer encounters the asset selector property in the JSON structure, it delegates its deserialization back to the TransformerContext, which holds a global list of type transformers ( TypeTransformerRegistry).

As a general rule of thumb, a transformer should only deserialize first-order properties, and nested complex objects should be delegated back to the TransformerContext.

Every module that contains a type transformer should register it with the TypeTransformerRegistry in its accompanying extension:

private TypeTransformerRegistry typeTransformerRegistry;

public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    typeTransformerRegistry.register(new JsonObjectToYourEntityTransformer());

2.2 Segmented transformer registries

One might encounter situations, where different serialization formats are required for the same entity, for example DataAddress objects are serialized differently on the Signaling API and the DSP API.

If we would simply register both transformers with the transformer registry, the second registration would overwrite the first, because both transformers have the same input and output types:

public class JsonObjectFromDataAddressTransformer extends AbstractJsonLdTransformer<DataAddress, JsonObject> {

public class JsonObjectFromDataAddressDspaceTransformer extends AbstractJsonLdTransformer<DataAddress, JsonObject> {

Consequently, all DataAddress objects would get serialized in the same way.

To overcome this limitation, EDC has the concept of segmented transformer registries, where the segment is defined by a string called a “context”:

private TypeTransformerRegistry typeTransformerRegistry;

public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    var signalingApiRegistry = typeTransformerRegistry.forContext("signaling-api");
    signalingApiRegistry.register(new JsonObjectFromDataAddressDspaceTransformer(/*arguments*/));

    var dspRegistry = typeTransformerRegistry.forContext("dsp-api");
    dspRegistry.register(new JsonObjectToDataAddressTransformer());

Note that this example serves for illustration purposes only!

Usually, transformation happens in API controllers to deserialize input, process and serialize output, but controllers don’t use transformers directly because more than one transformer may be required to correctly deserialize an object. Rather, they have a reference to a TypeTransformerRegistry for this. For more information please refer to the chapter about service layers.

2.3 Reporting transformation errors

Generally speaking, input validation should be performed by validators. However, it is still possible that an object cannot be serialized/deserialized correctly, for example when a property has has the wrong type, wrong multiplicity, cannot be parsed, unknown property, etc. Those types of errors should be reported to the TransformerContext:

private void transformProperties(String key, JsonValue jsonValue, DataPlaneInstance.Builder builder, TransformerContext context) {
    switch (key) {
        case URL -> {
            try {
                builder.url(new URL(Objects.requireNonNull(transformString(jsonValue, context))));
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        // other properties

Transformers should report errors to the context instead of throwing exceptions. Please note that basic JSON validation should be performed by validators.

3. Token generation and decorators

A token is a datastructure that consists of a header and claims and that is signed with a private key. While EDC is able to create any type of tokens through extensions, in most use cases JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a good option.

The TokenGenerationService offers a way to generate such a token by passing in a reference to a private key and a set of TokenDecorators. These are functions that mutate the parameters of a token, for example they could contribute claims and headers to JWTs:

TokenDecorator jtiDecorator = tokenParams -> tokenParams.claim("jti", UUID.randomUuid().toString());
TokenDecorator typeDecorator = tokenParams -> tokenParams.header("typ", "JWT");
var token = tokenGenerationService.generate("my-private-key-id", jtiDecorator, typeDecorator);

In the EDC code base the TokenGenerationService is not intended to be injectable, because client code typically should be opinionated with regards to the token technology.

4. Token validation and rules

When receiving a token, EDC makes use of the TokenValidationService facility to verify and validate the incoming token. Out-of-the-box JWTs are supported, but other token types could be supported through extensions. This section will be limited to validating JWT tokens.

Every JWT that is validated by EDC must have a kid header indicating the ID of the public key with which the token can be verified. In addition, a PublicKeyResolver implementation is required to download the public key.

4.1 Public Key Resolvers

PublicKeyResolvers are services that resolve public key material from public locations. It is common for organizations to publish their public keys as JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) or as verification method in a DID document. If operational circumstances require that multiple resolution strategies be supported at runtime, the recommended way to achieve this is to implement a PublicKeyResolver that dispatches to multiple sub-resolvers based on the shape of the key ID.

Sometimes it is necessary for the connector runtime to resolve its own public key, e.g. when validating a token that was sent out in a previous interaction. In these cases it is best to avoid a remote call to a DID document or a JWKS URL, but to resolve the public key locally.

4.2 Validation Rules

With the public key the validation service is able to verify the token’s signature, i.e. to assert its cryptographic integrity. Once that succeeds, the TokenValidationService parses the token string and applies all TokenValidationRules on the claims. We call this validation, since it asserts the correct (“valid”) structure of the token’s claims.

4.3 Validation Rules Registry

Usually, tokens are validated in different contexts, each of which brings its own validation rules. Currently, the following token validation contexts exist:

  • "dcp-si": when validating Self-Issued ID tokens in the Decentralized Claims Protocol (DCP)
  • "dcp-vc": when validating VerifiableCredentials that have an external proof in the form of a JWT (JWT-VCs)
  • "dcp-vp": when validating VerifiablePresentations that have an external proof in the form of a JWT (JWT-VPs)
  • "oauth2": when validating OAuth2 tokens
  • "management-api": when validating external tokens in the Management API ingress (relevant when delegated authentication is used)

Using these contexts it is possible to register additional validation rules using extensions:


private TokenValidationRulesRegistry rulesRegistry;

public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    rulesRegistry.addRule(DCP_SELF_ISSUED_TOKEN_CONTEXT, (claimtoken, additional) -> {
        var checkResult = ...// perform rule check
        return checkResult;

This is useful for example when certain dataspaces require additional rules to be satisfied or even private claims to be exchanged.