Protocol Extensions

The EDC officially supports the Dataspace protocol using the HTTPs bindings, but since it is an extensible platform, multiple protocol implementations can be supported for inter-connectors communication. Each supported protocols is identified by a unique key used by EDC for dispatching a remote message.

1. RemoteMessage

At the heart of EDC message exchange mechanism lies the RemoteMessage interface, which describes the protocol, the counterPartyAddress and the counterPartyId used for a message delivery.

RemoteMessage extensions can be divided in three groups:

Each RemoteMessage is:

1.1 Delivering messages with RemoteMessageDispatcher

Each protocol implements a RemoteMessageDispatcher:

public interface RemoteMessageDispatcher {

    String protocol();

    <T, M extends RemoteMessage> CompletableFuture<StatusResult<T>> dispatch(Class<T> responseType, M message);


and it is registered in the RemoteMessageDispatcherRegistry, where it gets associated to the protocol defined in RemoteMessageDispatcher#protocol.

Internally EDC uses the RemoteMessageDispatcherRegistry whenever it needs to deliver a RemoteMessage to the counter-party. The RemoteMessage then gets routed to the right RemoteMessageDispatcher based on the RemoteMessage#getProtocol property.

EDC also uses RemoteMessageDispatcherRegistry for non-protocol messages when dispatching event callbacks

1.2 Handling incoming messages with protocol services

On the ingress side, protocol implementations should be able to receive messages through the network (e.g. API Controllers), deserialize them into the corresponding RemoteMessages and then dispatching them to the right protocol service.

Protocol services are three:

  • CatalogProtocolService
  • ContractNegotiationProtocolService
  • TransferProcessProtocolService

which handle respectively Catalog, ContractNegotiation and TransferProcess messages.

2. DSP protocol implementation

The Dataspace protocol protocol implementation is available under the data-protocol/dsp subfolder in the Connector repository and it is identified by the key dataspace-protocol-http.

It extends the RemoteMessageDispatcher with the interface DspHttpRemoteMessageDispatcher (dsp-spi), which adds an additional method for registering message handlers.

The implementation of the three DSP specifications:

is separated in multiple extension modules grouped by specification.

This allows for example to build a runtime that only serves a dsp catalog requests useful the Management Domains scenario.

Each specification implementation defines handlers, transformers for RemoteMessages and exposes HTTP endpoints.

The dsp implementation also provide HTTP endpoints for the DSP common functionalities.

2.1 RemoteMessage handlers

Handlers map a RemoteMessage to an HTTP Request and instruct the DspHttpRemoteMessageDispatcher how to extract the response body to a desired type.

2.2 HTTP endpoints

Each dsp-*-http-api module exposes its own API Controllers for serving the specification requests. Each request handler transforms the JSON-LD in input, if present, into a RemoteMessage and then calls the protocol service layer.

2.2 RemoteMessage transformers

Each dsp-*-transform module registers in the DSP API context Transformers for mapping JSON-LD objects from and to RemoteMessages.