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Contribution Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in the EDC! This document provides guidelines and steps members are asked to follow when contributing to the project.

Table of Contents

Code Of Conduct

All community members are expected to adhere to the Eclipse Code of Conduct.

How to Contribute

If you want to share a feature idea or discuss a potential use case, first check the existing issues and discussions to see if it has already been raised. If not, open a discussion (not an issue).

Creating an Issue

If you have identified a bug first check the existing issues to see if it has already been identified. If not, create a new issue in the appropriate GitHub repository. Keep in mind the following:

  • We use GitHub’s default label set extended by custom ones to classify issues and improve findability.
  • If an issue appears to cover changes that will significantly impact the codebase, open a discussion before creating an issue.
  • If an issue covers a topic or the response to a question that may be interesting for further discussion, it should be converted to a discussion instead of being closed.

Submitting a Pull Request

Before submitting code to EDC, you should complete the following prerequisites:

Eclipse Contributor Agreement

Before your contribution can be accepted by the project, you need to create and electronically sign an Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA):

  1. Log in to the Eclipse foundation website. You will need to create an account within the Eclipse Foundation if you have not already done so.
  2. Click on “Eclipse ECA”, and complete the form.

Be sure to use the same email address in your Eclipse Account that you intend to use when committing to GitHub.

Stale Issues and PRs

In order to keep our backlog clean, EDC uses a bot that labels and closes old issues and PRs. The following table outlines this process:

Stale AfterClosed After Stale
Issue without assignee14 days7 days
Issue with assignee28 days7 days
PR7 days7 days

Note that updating an issue, for example by commenting, will remove the stale label and reset the counters. However, we ask the community not to abuse this feature (e.g., periodically commenting “what’s the status?” would qualify as abuse). If an issue receives no attention, usually there are reasons for it. To avoid closed issues, it’s recommended to clarify in advance whether a feature fits into the project roadmap by opening a discussion, which are not automatically closed.

Reporting Flaky Tests

If you discover a randomly failing (“flaky”) test, please check whether an issue for that already exists. If not, create one, making sure to provide a meaningful description and a link to the failing run. Also include the Bug and FlakyTest labels and assign it to an author of the relevant code. If assigning the issue is not possible due to missing rights, just comment and @mention the author/last editor.

Be sure not restart the run, as this will overwrite the results. Instead, push an empty commit to trigger another run.

git commit --allow-empty -m "trigger CI" && git push

Note that issues labeled with Bug and FlakyTest are prioritized.

Non-Code Contributions

Non-code contributions are another valued way to contribute. Examples include:

  • Evangelizing EDC
    • Helping to develop the community by hosting events, meetups, summits, and hackathons
  • Community education
    • Answering questions on GitHub, Discord, etc.
    • Writing documentation
    • Other writing (Blogs, Articles, Interviews)

Project and Milestone Planning

We use milestones to set a common focus for a period of 6 to 8 weeks. The group of committers chooses issues based on customer needs and contributions we expect.


Milestones are organized at the GitHub Milestones page. They are numbered in ascending order. There, contributors, users, and adopters can track the progress.

Please note that the due date of a milestone does not imply any guarantee that all linked issued will be resolved by then.

When closing the current milestone, issues that were not resolved within a milestone phase will be reviewed to evaluate their relevance and priority, before being assigned to the next milestone.


Every issue that should be addressed during a milestone phase is assigned to it by using the Milestone feature for linking both items. This way, the issues can easily be filtered by milestones.

Pull Requests

Pull requests are not assigned to milestones as their linking to issues is sufficient to track the relations and progresses.


The GitHub Projects page provides a general overview of the project’s working items. Every new issue is automatically assigned to the “Dataspace Connector” project. It can be unassigned or moved to any other project that is provided.

In every project, an issue passes four stages: Backlog, In progress, Review in progress, and Done, independent of their association to a specific milestone.


Please find more information about our release approach here.

Contact Us

If you have questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact the project developers via the project’s “dev” list. You may also want to join our Discord server.

The project holds a biweekly meeting on fridays 2-3 p.m. (CET) to give community members the opportunity to get in touch with the committer team. We meet in the “general” voice channel. Schedule details are on GitHub.

If you have a “contributor” or “committer” status, you will also have access to private channels.

1 - Pull Request Etiquette


PRs should adhere to the following rules.

  • Familiarize yourself with coding style, ./architectural patterns, and other contribution guidelines.
  • No surprise PRs. Before submitting a PR, open a discussion or an issue outlining the planned work and give people time to comment. Unsolicited PRs may get ignored or rejected.
  • Create focused PRs. Work should be focused on one particular feature or bug. Do not create broad-scoped PRs that solve multiple issues or span signficant portions of the codebase as they will be rejected outright.
  • Provide a clear PR description and motivation. This makes the reviewer’s life much easier. It is also helpful to outline the broad changes that were made, e.g. “Changes the schema of XYZ-Entity: the age field changed from long to String”.
  • If 3rd party dependencies are introduced, note them in the PR description and explain why they are necessary.
  • Stick to the established code style, please refer to the styleguide document.
  • All tests should be green, especially when your PR is in "Ready for review"
  • Mark PRs as "Ready for review" only when the PR is complete. No additional commits should be pushed other than to incorporate review comments.
  • Merge conflicts should be resolved by squashing all commits on the PR branch, rebasing onto main, and force-pushing. Do this when your PR is ready to review.
  • If you require a reviewer’s input while it’s still in draft, please contact the designated reviewer using the @mention feature and let them know what you’d like them to look at.
  • Request a review from one of the technical committers. Requesting a review from anyone else is still possible, and sometimes may be advisable, but only committers can merge PRs, so be sure to include them early on.
  • Re-request reviews after all remarks have been adopted. This helps reviewers track their work in GitHub.
  • If you disagree with a committer’s remarks, feel free to object and argue, but if no agreement is reached, you’ll have to either accept the committer’s decision or withdraw your PR.
  • Be civil and objective. No foul language, insulting or otherwise abusive language will be tolerated.
  • The PR titles must follow Conventional Commits.
    • The title must follow the format as <type>(<optional scope>): <description>. build, chore, ci, docs, feat, fix, perf, refactor, revert, style, test are allowed for the <type>.
    • The length must be kept under 80 characters.
    See check-pull-request-title job of GitHub workflow for checking details.


  • Please complete reviews within two business days or delegate to another committer, removing yourself as a reviewer.
  • If you have been requested as reviewer, but cannot do the review for any reason (time, lack of knowledge in particular area, etc.) please comment that in the PR and remove yourself as a reviewer, suggesting a stand-in. The CODEOWNERS document should help with that.
  • Don’t be overly pedantic.
  • Don’t argue basic principles (code style, architectural decisions, etc.)
  • Use the suggestion feature of GitHub for small/simple changes.
  • The following could serve you as a review checklist:
    • No unnecessary dependencies in build.gradle.kts
    • Sensible unit tests, prefer unit tests over integration tests wherever possible (test runtime). Also check the usage of test tags.
    • Code style
    • Simplicity and “uncluttered-ness” of the code
    • Overall focus of the PR
  • Don’t just wave through any PR. Please take the time to look at them carefully.
  • Be civil and objective. No foul language, insulting or otherwise abusive language will be tolerated. The goal is to encourage contributions.

The technical committers

(as of Sept 15, 2024)

  • @wolf4ood
  • @jimmarino
  • @bscholtes1A
  • @ndr_brt
  • @ronjaquensel
  • @juliapampus
  • @paullatzelsperger

2 - Style Guide

In order to maintain a coherent codebase, every contributor must adhere to the project style guidelines. We assume contributors will use a modern code editor with support for automatic code formatting.

Checkstyle configuration

Checkstyle is a tool that statically analyzes source code against a set of given rules formulated in an XML document. Checkstyle rules are included in all EDC code repositories. Many modern IDEs have a plugin that runs Checkstyle analysis in the background.

Our checkstyle config is based on the Google Style with a few additional rules such as the naming of constants and Types.

Note: currently we do not enforce the generation of Javadoc comments, even though documenting code is highly recommended.

Running Checkstyle

Checkstyle is run through the checkstyle Gradle Plugin during gradle build for all code repositories. In addition, Checkstyle is enabled in all GitHub Actions pipelines for PR validation. If checkstyle any violations are found, the pipeline will fail. We therefore recommend configuring your IDE to run Checkstyle:

IntelliJ Code Style Configuration

If you are using Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA, we have created a specific code style configuration that will automatically format your source code according to that style guide. This should eliminate most of the potential Checkstyle violations from the get-go. However, some code may need to be reformatted manually.

Intellij SaveActions Plugin

To assist with automated code formatting, you may want to use the SaveActions plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. Unfortunately, SaveActions has no export feature, so you will need to manually apply this configuration:

Generic .editorConfig

For most other editors and IDEs we’ve supplied .editorConfig files. Refer to the official documentation for configuration details since they depend on the editor and OS.

3 - PR Check List

It’s recommended to submit a draft pull request early on and add people previously working on the same code as reviewers. Make sure all automatic checks pass before marking it as “ready for review”:

Before submitting a PR, please follow the steps below.

Open a Discussion or File an Issue

Do not submit a PR without first opening an issue (if the PR resolves a bug) or creating a discussion. If a bug fix requires a significant change or touches on critical code paths (e.g. security-related), open a discussion first.

Coding Style

All code contributions must strictly adhere to the Style Guide and design principles outlined in the Contributor Technical Documentation. PRs that do not adhere to these rules will be rejected.

All artifacts must include the following copyright header, replacing the fields enclosed by curly brackets “{}” with your own identifying information. (Don’t include the curly brackets!) Enclose the text in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format.

Copyright (c) {year} {owner}[ and others]

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

  {name} - {description}

Commit Messages

Git commit messages should comply with the following format:

<prefix>(<scope>): <description>

Use the imperative mood as in “Fix bug” or “Add feature” rather than “Fixed bug” or “Added feature” and mention the GitHub issue e.g. chore(transfer process): improve logging.

All committers and all commits, are bound to the Developer Certificate of Origin. As such, all parties involved in a contribution must have valid ECAs. Additionally, commits can include a “Signed-off-by” entry.

Testing and Documentation

All submissions must include extensive test coverage and be fully documented:

  • Add meaningful unit tests and integration tests when appropriate to verify your submission acts as expected.
  • All code must be documented. Interfaces and implementation classes must have Javadoc. Include inline documentation where code blocks are not self-explanatory.
  • If a new module has been added or a significant part of the code has been changed, and you should be seen as the contact person for any further changes, please add appropriate information to the CODEOWNERS file. You can find instructions on how to do this at Please note that this file does not represent all contributions to the code. What persons and organizations actually contributed to each file can be seen on GitHub and is documented in the license headers.