OpenApi spec

It is possible to generate an OpenApi spec in the form of a *.yaml file by invoking two simple Gradle tasks.

Generate *.yaml files

Every module (=subproject) that contains REST endpoints is scanned for Jakarta Annotations which are then used to generate a *.yaml specification for that particular module. This means that there is one *.yamlfile per module, resulting in several *.yaml files.

Those files are named MODULENAME.yaml, e.g. observability.yaml or control.yaml.

To re-generate those files, simply invoke

./gradlew clean resolve

This will generate all *.yaml files in the resources/openapi/yaml directory.

Gradle Plugins

We use the official Swagger Gradle plugins:

  • "io.swagger.core.v3.swagger-gradle-plugin": used to generate a *.yaml file per module

So in order for a module to be picked up by the Swagger Gradle plugin, simply add it to the build.gradle.kts:

// in yourModule/build.gradle.kts

val rsApi: String by project

plugins {
    id(libs.plugins.swagger.get().pluginId) //<-- add this

Categorizing your API

All APIs in EDC should be “categorized”, i.e. they should belong to a certain group of APIs. Please see this decision record for reference. In order to add your module to one of the categories, simply add this block to your module’s build.gradle.kts:

plugins {

dependencies {
    // ...

// add this block:
edcBuild {
    swagger {

This tells the build plugin how to categorize your API and SwaggerHub will list it accordingly. Note: currently we have categories for control-api and management-api

How to generate code

This feature does neither expose the generated files through a REST endpoint providing any sort of live try-out feature, nor does it generate any sort of client code. A visual documentation page for our APIs is served through SwaggerHub.

However, there is Gradle plugin capable of generating client code. Please refer to the official documentation.