Data Persistence with PostgreSQL

By default, the in-memory stores are provided by the dependency injection, the sql implementations can be used by simply registering the relative extensions (e.g. asset-index-sql, contract-negotiation-store-sql, …).

1. Configuring DataSources

For using sql extensions, a DataSource is needed, and it should be registered on the DataSourceRegistry service.

The sql-pool-apache-commons extension is responsible for creating and registering pooled data sources starting from configuration. At least one data source named "default" is required.


It is recommended to hold these values in the Vault rather than in configuration. The config key (e.g. edc.datasource.default.url) serves as secret alias. If no vault entries are found for these keys, they will be obtained from the configuration. This is unsafe and should be avoided!

Other datasources can be defined using the same settings structure:


<datasource-name> is string that then can be used by the store’s configuration to use specific data sources.

1.2 Using custom datasource in stores

Using a custom datasource in a store can be done by configuring the setting:<store-context>.datasource=<datasource-name>

Note that <store-context> can be an arbitrary string, but it is recommended to use a descriptive name. For example, the SqlPolicyStoreExtension defines a data source name as follows:

@Extension("SQL policy store")
public class SqlPolicyStoreExtension implements ServiceExtension {

    @Setting(value = "The datasource to be used", defaultValue = DataSourceRegistry.DEFAULT_DATASOURCE)
    public static final String DATASOURCE_NAME = "";

    public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
        var datasourceName = context.getConfig().getString(DATASOURCE_NAME, DataSourceRegistry.DEFAULT_DATASOURCE);

2. SQL Statement abstraction

EDC does not use any sort of Object-Relation-Mapper (ORM), which would automatically translate Java object graphs to SQL statements. Instead, EDC uses pre-canned parameterized SQL statements.

We typically distinguish between literals such as table names or column names and “templates”, which are SQL statements such as INSERT.

Both are declared as getters in an interface that extends the SqlStatements interface, with literals being default methods and templates being implemented by a BaseSqlDialectStatements class.

A simple example could look like this:

public class BaseSqlDialectStatements implements SomeEntityStatements {

    public String getDeleteByIdTemplate() {
        return executeStatement().delete(getSomeEntityTable(), getIdColumn());

    public String getUpdateTemplate() {
        return executeStatement()
                .update(getSomeEntityTable(), getIdColumn());

Note that the example makes use of the SqlExecuteStatement utility class, which should be used to construct all SQL statements - except queries. Queries are special in that they have a highly dynamic aspect to them. For more information, please read on in this chapter.

As a general rule of thumb, issuing multiple statements (within one transaction) should be preferred over writing complex nested statements. It is very easy to inadvertently create an inefficient or wasteful statement that causes high resource load on the database server. The latency that is introduced by sending multiple statements to the DB server is likely negligible in comparison, especially because EDC is architected towards reliability rather than latency.

3. Querying PostgreSQL databases

Generally speaking, the basis for all queries is a QuerySpec object. This means, that at some point a QuerySpec must be translated into an SQL SELECT statement. The place to do this is the SqlStatements implementation often called BaseSqlDialectStatements:

public SqlQueryStatement createQuery(QuerySpec querySpec) {
    var select = "SELECT * FROM %s".formatted(getSomeEntityTable());
    return new SqlQueryStatement(select, querySpec, new SomeEntityMapping(this), operatorTranslator);

Now, there are a few things to unpack here:

  • the SELECT statement serves as starting point for the query
  • individual WHERE clauses get added by parsing the filterExpression property of the QuerySpec
  • LIMIT and OFFSET clauses get appended based on QuerySpec#offset and QuerySpec#limit
  • the SomeEntityMapping maps the canonical form onto the SQL literals
  • the operatorTranslator is used to convert operators such as = or like into SQL operators

3.1 The canonical form

Theoretically it is possible to map every schema onto every other schema, given that they are of equal cardinality. To achieve that, EDC introduces the notion of a canonical form, which is our internal working schema for entities. In other words, this is the schema in which objects are represented internally. If we ever support a wider variety of translation and transformation paths, everything would have to be transformed into that canonical format first.

In actuality the canonical form of an object is defined by the Java class and its field names. For instance, a query for contract negotiations must be specified using the field names of a ContractNegotiation object:

public class ContractNegotiation {
    // ...
    private ContractAgreement contractAgreement;
    // ...

public class ContractAgreement {
    // ...
    private final String assetId;

Consequently, contractAgreement.assetId would be valid, whereas contract_agreement.asset_id would be invalid. Or, the left-hand operand looks like as if we were traversing the Java object graph. This is what we call the canonical form . Note the omission of the root object contractNegotiation!

3.1 Translation Mappings

Translation mappings are EDCs way to map a QuerySpec to SQL statements. At its core, it contains a Map that contains the Java entity field name and the related SQL column name.

In order to decouple the canonical form from the SQL schema (or any other database schema), a mapping scheme exists to map the canonical model onto the SQL model. This TranslationMapping is essentially a graph-like metamodel of the entities: every Java entity has a related mapping class that contains its field names and the associated SQL column names. The convention is to append *Mapping to the class name, e.g. PolicyDefinitionMapping.

3.1.1 Mapping primitive fields

Primitive fields are stored directly as columns in SQL tables. Thus, mapping primitive data types is trivial: a simple mapping from one onto the other is necessary, for example, ContractNegotiation.counterPartyAddress would be represented in the ContractNegotiationMappin as an entry


When constructing WHERE/AND clauses, the canonical property is simply be replaced by the respective SQL column name.

3.1.2 Mapping complex objects

For fields that are of complex type, such as the ContractNegotiation.contractAgreement field, it is necessary to accommodate this, depending on how the relational data model is defined. There are two basic variants we use:

Option 1: using foreign keys

In this case, the referenced object is stored in a separate table using a foreign key relation. Thus, the canonical property (contractAgreement) is mapped onto the SQL schema using another *Mapping class. Here, this would be the ContractAgreementMapping. When resolving a property in the canonical format (contractAgreement.assetId), this means we must recursively descend into the model graph and resolve the correct SQL expression.

Note: mapping one-to-many relations (= arrays/lists) with foreign keys is not implemented at this time.

Option 2a: encoding the object

Another popular way to store complex objects is to encode them in JSON and store them in a VARCHAR column. In PostgreSQL we use the specific JSON type instead of VARCHAR. For example, the TranferProcess is stored in a table called edc_transfer_process, its DataAddress property is encoded in JSON and stored in a JSON field.

Querying for TransferProcess objects: when mapping the filter expression, the contentDataAddress is represented as JSON, therefore in the TransferProcessMapping the contentDataAddress field maps to a JsonFieldTranslator:

public TransferProcessMapping(TransferProcessStoreStatements statements) {
    // ...
    add(FIELD_CONTENTDATAADDRESS, new JsonFieldTranslator(statements.getContentDataAddressColumn()));
    // ...

which would then get translated to:

FROM edc_transfer_process
-- omit LEFT OUTER JOIN for readability
WHERE content_data_address -> 'properties' ->> 'somekey' = 'somevalue'

Note that JSON queries are specific to PostgreSQL and are not portable to other database technologies!

Option 2b: encoding lists/arrays

Like accessing objects, accessing lists/arrays of objects is possible using special JSON operators. In this case the special Postgres function json_array_elements() is used. Please refer to the official documentation.

For an example of how this is done, please look at how the TransferProcessMapping maps a ResourceManifest, which in turn contains a List<ResourceDefinition> using the ResourceManifestMapping.