1 - Json LD

Here is a simple example taken from json-ld.org

  "@context": "https://json-ld.org/contexts/person.jsonld",
  "@id": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/John_Lennon",
  "name": "John Lennon",
  "born": "1940-10-09",
  "spouse": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Cynthia_Lennon"

It’s similar on how a Person would be represented in JSON, with additional known properties such as @context and @id.

The @id is used to uniquely identify an object.

The @context is used to define how terms should be interpreted and help expressing specific identifier with short-hand names instead of IRI.

Exhausting reserved keywords list and their meaning is available here

In the above example the @context is a remote one, but the @context can also be defined inline. Here is the same JSON-LD object using locally defined terms.

  "@context": {
    "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#",
    "name": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name",
    "born": {
      "@id": "http://schema.org/birthDate",
      "@type": "xsd:date"
    "spouse": {
      "@id": "http://schema.org/spouse",
      "@type": "@id"
  "@id": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/John_Lennon",
  "name": "John Lennon",
  "born": "1940-10-09",
  "spouse": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Cynthia_Lennon"

which defines inline the name, born and spouse terms.

The two objects have the same meaning as Linked Data.

A JSON-LD document can be described in multiple forms and by applying certain transformations a document can change shape without changing the meaning.

Relevant forms in the realm of EDC are:

  • Expanded document form
  • Compacted document form

The examples above are in compacted form and by applying the expansion algorithm the output would look like this

    "@id": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/John_Lennon",
    "http://schema.org/birthDate": [
        "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date",
        "@value": "1940-10-09"
    "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name": [
        "@value": "John Lennon"
    "http://schema.org/spouse": [
        "@id": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Cynthia_Lennon"

The expansion is the process of taking in input a JSON-LD document and applying the @context so that it is no longer necessary, as all the terms are resolved in their IRI representation.

The compaction is the inverse process. It takes in input a JSON-LD in expanded form and by applying the supplied @context, it creates the compacted form.

For playing around JSON-LD and processing algorithm the playground is a useful tool.


EDC uses JSON-LD as primary serialization format at API layer and at runtime EDC manages the objects in their expanded form, for example when transforming JsonObject into EDC entities and and backwards in transformers or when validating input JsonObject at API level.

Extensible properties in entities are always stored expanded form.

To achieve that, EDC uses an interceptor (JerseyJsonLdInterceptor) that always expands in ingress and compacts in egress the JsonObject.

EDC uses JSON-LD for two main reasons:

Fist EDC embraces different protocols and standards such as:

and they all rely on JSON-LD as serialization format.

The second reason is that EDC allows to extends entities like Asset with custom properties, and uses JSON-LD as the way to extend objects with custom namespaces.

EDC handles JSON-LD through the JsonLd SPI. It supports different operation and configuration for managing JSON-LD in the EDC runtime.

It supports expansion and compaction process:

  Result<JsonObject> expand(JsonObject json);

Result<JsonObject> compact(JsonObject json, String scope);

and allows the configuration of which @context and namespaces to use when processing the JSON-LD in a specific scope.

For example when using the JsonLd service in the management API the @context and namespaces configured might differs when using the same service in the dsp layer.

The JsonLd service also can configure cached contexts by allowing to have a local copy of the remote context. This limits the network request required when processing the JSON-LD and reduces the attack surface if the remote host of the context is compromised.

By default EDC make usage of @vocab for processing input/output JSON-LD document. This can provide a default vocabulary for extensible properties. An on-going initiative is available with

this extension

in order to provide a cached terms mapping (context) for EDC management API. The remote context definition is available here.

Implementors that need additional @context and namespaces to be supported in EDC runtime, should develop a custom extension that registers the required @context and namespace.

For example let’s say we want to support a custom namespace http://w3id.org/starwars/v0.0.1/ns/ in the extensible properties of an Asset.

The input JSON would look like this:

  "@context": {
    "@vocab": "https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/",
    "sw": "http://w3id.org/starwars/v0.0.1/ns/"
  "@type": "Asset",
  "@id": "79d9c360-476b-47e8-8925-0ffbeba5aec2",
  "properties": {
    "sw:faction": "Galactic Imperium",
    "sw:person": {
      "sw:name": "Darth Vader",
      "sw:webpage": "https://death.star"
  "dataAddress": {
    "@type": "DataAddress",
    "type": "myType"

Even if we don’t register a any additional @context or namespace prefix in the EDC runtime, the Asset will still be persisted correctly since the JSON-LD gets expanded correctly and stored in the expanded form.

But in the egress the JSON-LD document gets always compacted, and without additional configuration, it will look like this:

  "@id": "79d9c360-476b-47e8-8925-0ffbeba5aec2",
  "@type": "Asset",
  "properties": {
    "http://w3id.org/starwars/v0.0.1/ns/faction": "Galactic Imperium",
    "http://w3id.org/starwars/v0.0.1/ns/person": {
      "http://w3id.org/starwars/v0.0.1/ns/name": "Darth Vader",
      "http://w3id.org/starwars/v0.0.1/ns/webpage": "https://death.star"
    "id": "79d9c360-476b-47e8-8925-0ffbeba5aec2"
  "dataAddress": {
    "@type": "DataAddress",
    "type": "myType"
  "@context": {
    "@vocab": "https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/",
    "edc": "https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/",
    "odrl": "http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/"

That means that the IRIs are not shortened to terms or compact iri. This might be ok for some runtime and configuration. But if implementors want to achieve more usability and easy of usage, two main strategy can be applied:

1.1 Compact IRI

The first strategy is to register a namespace prefix in an extension:

public class MyExtension implements ServiceExtension {

    private JsonLd jsonLd;

    public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
        jsonLd.registerNamespace("sw", "http://w3id.org/starwars/v0.0.1/ns/", "MANAGEMENT_API");

This will shorten the IRI to compact IRI when compacting the same JSON-LD:

  "@id": "79d9c360-476b-47e8-8925-0ffbeba5aec2",
  "@type": "Asset",
  "properties": {
    "sw:faction": "Galactic Imperium",
    "sw:person": {
      "sw:name": "Darth Vader",
      "sw:webpage": "https://death.star"
    "id": "79d9c360-476b-47e8-8925-0ffbeba5aec2"
  "dataAddress": {
    "@type": "DataAddress",
    "type": "myType"
  "@context": {
    "@vocab": "https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/",
    "edc": "https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/",
    "odrl": "http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/",
    "sw": "http://w3id.org/starwars/v0.0.1/ns/"

1.2 Custom Remote Context

An improved version requires developers to draft a context (which should be resolvable with an URL), for example http://w3id.org/starwars/context.jsonld, that contains the terms definition.

An example of a definition might look like this:

  "@context": {
    "@version": 1.1,
    "sw": "http://w3id.org/starwars/v0.0.1/ns/",
    "person": "sw:person",
    "faction": "sw:faction",
    "name": "sw:name",
    "webpage": "sw:name"

Then in a an extension the context URL should be registered in the desired scope and cached:

public class MyExtension implements ServiceExtension {

    private JsonLd jsonLd;

    public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
        jsonld.registerContext("http://w3id.org/starwars/context.jsonld", "MANAGEMENT_API");

        URI documentLocation = // load from filesystem or classpath
                jsonLdService.registerCachedDocument("http://w3id.org/starwars/context.jsonld", documentLocation)

With this configuration the JSON-LD will be representend without the sw prefix, since the terms mapping is defined in the remote context http://w3id.org/starwars/context.jsonld:

  "@id": "79d9c360-476b-47e8-8925-0ffbeba5aec2",
  "@type": "Asset",
  "properties": {
    "faction": "Galactic Imperium",
    "person": {
      "name": "Darth Vader",
      "webpage": "https://death.star"
    "id": "79d9c360-476b-47e8-8925-0ffbeba5aec2"
  "dataAddress": {
    "@type": "DataAddress",
    "type": "myType"
  "@context": [
      "@vocab": "https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/",
      "edc": "https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/",
      "odrl": "http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/"

In case of name clash in the terms definition, the JSON-LD processor should fallback to the compact URI representation.

1.1 JSON-LD Validation

EDC provides a mechanism to validate JSON-LD objects. The validation phase is typically handled at the network/controller layer. For each entity identified by it’s own @type, it is possible to register a custom Validator<JsonObject> using the registry JsonObjectValidatorRegistry. By default EDC provides validation for all the entities it manages like Asset, ContractDefinition ..etc.

For custom validator it is possible to either implements Validator<JsonObject> interface (not recommended) or or use the bundled JsonObjectValidator, which is a declarative way of configuring a validator for an object through the builder pattern. It also comes with a preset of validation rules such as id not empty, mandatory properties and many more.

An example of validator for a custom type Foo:

  "@context": {
    "@vocab": "https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/",
    "edc": "https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/"
  "@id": "79d9c360-476b-47e8-8925-0ffbeba5aec2",
  "@type": "Foo",
  "bar": "value"

might look like this:

public class FooValidator {

    public static JsonObjectValidator instance() {
        return JsonObjectValidator.newValidator()

and can be registered with the @Injectable JsonObjectValidatorRegistry:

public class MyExtension implements ServiceExtension {

    private JsonObjectValidatorRegistry validator;

    public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {

        validator.register("https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/Foo", FooValidator.instance());

When needed, it can be invoked like this:

public class MyController {

    private JsonObjectValidatorRegistry validator;

    public void doSomething(JsonObject input) {
        validator.validate("https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/Foo", input)

2 - Programming Primitives

1 State machines

EDC is asynchronous by design, which means that processes are processed in such a way that they don’t block neither the runtime nor the caller. For example starting a contract negotiation is a long-running process and every contract negotiation has to traverse a series of states, most of which involve sending remote messages to the counter party. These state transitions are not guaranteed to happen within a certain time frame, they could take hours or even days.

From that it follows that an EDC instance must be regarded as ephemeral (= they can’t hold state in memory), so the state (of a contract negotiation) must be held in persistent storage. This makes it possible to start and stop connector runtimes arbitrarily, and every replica picks up where the other left off, without causing conflicts or processing an entity twice.

The state machine itself is synchronous: in every iteration it processes a number of objects and then either goes back to sleep, if there was nothing to process, or continues right away.

At a high level this is implemented in the StateMachineManager, which uses a set of Processors. The StateMachineManager sequentially invokes each Processor, who then reports the number of processed entities. In EDC’s state machines, processors are functions who handle StatefulEntities in a particular state and are registered when the application starts up:

// ProviderContractNegotiationManagerImpl.java

protected StateMachineManager.Builder configureStateMachineManager(StateMachineManager.Builder builder) {
    return builder
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(OFFERING, this::processOffering))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(REQUESTED, this::processRequested))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(ACCEPTED, this::processAccepted))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(AGREEING, this::processAgreeing))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(VERIFIED, this::processVerified))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(FINALIZING, this::processFinalizing))
            .processor(processNegotiationsInState(TERMINATING, this::processTerminating));

This instantiates a Processor that binds a given state to a callback function. For example AGREEING -> this::processAgreeing. When the StateMachineManager invokes this Processor, it loads all contract negotiations in that state (here: AGREEING) and passes each one to the processAgreeing method.

All processors are invoked sequentially, because it is possible that one single entity transitions to multiple states in the same iteration.

1.1 Batch-size, sorting and tick-over timeout

In every iteration the state machine loads multiple StatefulEntity objects from the database. To avoid overwhelming the state machine and to prevent entites from becoming stale, two main safeguards are in place:

  • batch-size: this is the maximum amount of entities per state that are fetched from the database
  • sorting: StatefulEntity objects are sorted based on when their state was last updated, oldest first.
  • iteration timeout: if no StatefulEntities were processed, the statemachine simply yields for a configurable amount of time.

1.2 Database-level locking

In production deployments the control plane is typically replicated over several instances for performance and robustness. This must be considered when loading StatefulEntity objects from the database, because it is possible that two replicas attempt to load the same entity at the same time, which - without locks - would lead to a race condition, data inconsistencies, duplicated DSP messages and other problems.

To avoid this, EDC employs pessimistic exclusive locks on the database level for stateful entities, which are called Lease. These are entries in a database that indicate whether an entity is currently leased, whether the lease is expired and which replica leased the entity. Attempting to acquire a lease for an already-leased entity is only possible if the lease holder is the same.

Note that the value of the edc.runtime.id property is used to record the holder of a Lease. It is recommended not to configure this property in clustered environments so that randomized runtime IDs (= default) are used.

Generally the process is as follows:

  • load N “leasable” entities and acquire a lease for each one. An entity is considered “leasable” if it is not already leased, or the current runtime already holds the lease, or the lease is expired.
  • if the entity was processed, advance state, free the lease
  • if the entity was not processed, free the lease

That way, each replica of the control plane holds an exclusive lock for a particular entity while it is trying to process and advance its state.

2. Transformers

EDC uses JSON-LD serialization on API ingress and egress. For information about this can be found in this chapter, but the TL;DR is that it is necessary because of extensible properties and namespaces on wire-level DTOs.

2.1 Basic Serialization and Deserialization

On API ingress and egress this means that conventional serialization and deserialization (“SerDes”) cannot be achieved with Jackson, because Jackson operates on a configurable, but ultimately rigid schema.

For that reason, EDC implements its own SerDes layer, called “transformers”. The common base class for all transformers is the AbstractJsonLdTransformer<I,O> and the naming convention is JsonObject[To|From]<Entity>Transformer for example JsonObjectToAssetTransformer. They typically come in pairs, to enable both serialization and deserialization.

Another rule is that the entity class must contain the fully-qualified (expanded) property names as constants and typical programming patterns are:

  • deserialization: transformers contain a switch statement that parses the property names and populates the entity’s builder.
  • serialization: transformers simply construct the JsonObject based on the properties of the entity using a JsonObjectBuilder

2.1 Transformer context

Many entities in EDC are complex objects that contain other complex objects. For example, a ContractDefinition contains the asset selector, which is a List<Criterion>. However, a Criterion is also used in a QuerySpec, so it makes sense to extract its deserialization into a dedicated transformer. So when the JsonObjectFromContractDefinitionTransformer encounters the asset selector property in the JSON structure, it delegates its deserialization back to the TransformerContext, which holds a global list of type transformers ( TypeTransformerRegistry).

As a general rule of thumb, a transformer should only deserialize first-order properties, and nested complex objects should be delegated back to the TransformerContext.

Every module that contains a type transformer should register it with the TypeTransformerRegistry in its accompanying extension:

private TypeTransformerRegistry typeTransformerRegistry;

public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    typeTransformerRegistry.register(new JsonObjectToYourEntityTransformer());

2.2 Segmented transformer registries

One might encounter situations, where different serialization formats are required for the same entity, for example DataAddress objects are serialized differently on the Signaling API and the DSP API.

If we would simply register both transformers with the transformer registry, the second registration would overwrite the first, because both transformers have the same input and output types:

public class JsonObjectFromDataAddressTransformer extends AbstractJsonLdTransformer<DataAddress, JsonObject> {

public class JsonObjectFromDataAddressDspaceTransformer extends AbstractJsonLdTransformer<DataAddress, JsonObject> {

Consequently, all DataAddress objects would get serialized in the same way.

To overcome this limitation, EDC has the concept of segmented transformer registries, where the segment is defined by a string called a “context”:

private TypeTransformerRegistry typeTransformerRegistry;

public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    var signalingApiRegistry = typeTransformerRegistry.forContext("signaling-api");
    signalingApiRegistry.register(new JsonObjectFromDataAddressDspaceTransformer(/*arguments*/));

    var dspRegistry = typeTransformerRegistry.forContext("dsp-api");
    dspRegistry.register(new JsonObjectToDataAddressTransformer());

Note that this example serves for illustration purposes only!

Usually, transformation happens in API controllers to deserialize input, process and serialize output, but controllers don’t use transformers directly because more than one transformer may be required to correctly deserialize an object. Rather, they have a reference to a TypeTransformerRegistry for this. For more information please refer to the chapter about service layers.

2.3 Reporting transformation errors

Generally speaking, input validation should be performed by validators. However, it is still possible that an object cannot be serialized/deserialized correctly, for example when a property has has the wrong type, wrong multiplicity, cannot be parsed, unknown property, etc. Those types of errors should be reported to the TransformerContext:

// JsonObjectToDataPlaneInstanceTransformer.java
private void transformProperties(String key, JsonValue jsonValue, DataPlaneInstance.Builder builder, TransformerContext context) {
    switch (key) {
        case URL -> {
            try {
                builder.url(new URL(Objects.requireNonNull(transformString(jsonValue, context))));
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        // other properties

Transformers should report errors to the context instead of throwing exceptions. Please note that basic JSON validation should be performed by validators.

3. Token generation and decorators

A token is a datastructure that consists of a header and claims and that is signed with a private key. While EDC is able to create any type of tokens through extensions, in most use cases JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a good option.

The TokenGenerationService offers a way to generate such a token by passing in a reference to a private key and a set of TokenDecorators. These are functions that mutate the parameters of a token, for example they could contribute claims and headers to JWTs:

TokenDecorator jtiDecorator = tokenParams -> tokenParams.claim("jti", UUID.randomUuid().toString());
TokenDecorator typeDecorator = tokenParams -> tokenParams.header("typ", "JWT");
var token = tokenGenerationService.generate("my-private-key-id", jtiDecorator, typeDecorator);

In the EDC code base the TokenGenerationService is not intended to be injectable, because client code typically should be opinionated with regards to the token technology.

4. Token validation and rules

When receiving a token, EDC makes use of the TokenValidationService facility to verify and validate the incoming token. Out-of-the-box JWTs are supported, but other token types could be supported through extensions. This section will be limited to validating JWT tokens.

Every JWT that is validated by EDC must have a kid header indicating the ID of the public key with which the token can be verified. In addition, a PublicKeyResolver implementation is required to download the public key.

4.1 Public Key Resolvers

PublicKeyResolvers are services that resolve public key material from public locations. It is common for organizations to publish their public keys as JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) or as verification method in a DID document. If operational circumstances require that multiple resolution strategies be supported at runtime, the recommended way to achieve this is to implement a PublicKeyResolver that dispatches to multiple sub-resolvers based on the shape of the key ID.

Sometimes it is necessary for the connector runtime to resolve its own public key, e.g. when validating a token that was sent out in a previous interaction. In these cases it is best to avoid a remote call to a DID document or a JWKS URL, but to resolve the public key locally.

4.2 Validation Rules

With the public key the validation service is able to verify the token’s signature, i.e. to assert its cryptographic integrity. Once that succeeds, the TokenValidationService parses the token string and applies all TokenValidationRules on the claims. We call this validation, since it asserts the correct (“valid”) structure of the token’s claims.

4.3 Validation Rules Registry

Usually, tokens are validated in different contexts, each of which brings its own validation rules. Currently, the following token validation contexts exist:

  • "dcp-si": when validating Self-Issued ID tokens in the Decentralized Claims Protocol (DCP)
  • "dcp-vc": when validating VerifiableCredentials that have an external proof in the form of a JWT (JWT-VCs)
  • "dcp-vp": when validating VerifiablePresentations that have an external proof in the form of a JWT (JWT-VPs)
  • "oauth2": when validating OAuth2 tokens
  • "management-api": when validating external tokens in the Management API ingress (relevant when delegated authentication is used)

Using these contexts it is possible to register additional validation rules using extensions:


private TokenValidationRulesRegistry rulesRegistry;

public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    rulesRegistry.addRule(DCP_SELF_ISSUED_TOKEN_CONTEXT, (claimtoken, additional) -> {
        var checkResult = ...// perform rule check
        return checkResult;

This is useful for example when certain dataspaces require additional rules to be satisfied or even private claims to be exchanged.

3 - Service Layers

This document describes the EDC service layers.

1. API controllers

EDC uses JAX-RS/Jersey to expose REST endpoints, so our REST controllers look like this:

@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public class SomeApiController implements SomeApi {

    public JsonObject create(JsonObject someApiObject) {
        //perform logic

it is worth noting that as a rule, EDC API controllers only carry JAX-RS annotations, where all other annotations, such as OpenApi should be put on the interface SomeApi.

In addition, EDC APIs accept their arguments as JsonObject due to the use of JSON-LD. This applies to internal APIs and external APIs alike.

API controllers should not contain any business logic other than validation, serialization and service invocation.

All API controllers perform JSON-LD expansion upon ingress and JSON-LD compaction upon egress.

1.1 API contexts

API controllers must be registered with the Jersey web server. To better separate the different API controllers and cluster them in coherent groups, EDC has the notion of “web contexts”. Technically, these are individual ServletContainer instances, each of which available at a separate port and URL path.

To register a new context, it needs to be configured first:

private YourContextApiConfiguration apiConfiguration;
private WebService webService;
private PortMappingRegistry portMappingRegistry;
private WebServer webServer;

public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    portMappingRegistry.register(new PortMapping("yourcontext", apiConfiguration.port(), apiConfiguration.path()));

record YourContextApiConfiguration(
        @Setting(key = "web.http.yourcontext.port", description = "Port for yourcontext api context", defaultValue = 10080)
        int port,
        @Setting(key = "web.http.yourcontext.path", description = "Path for yourcontext api context", defaultValue = "/api/someh")
        String path
) {


1.2 Registering controllers

After the previous step, the "yourcontext" context is available with the web server and the API controller can be registered:

webservice.registerResource("yourcontext",new SomeApiController(/* arguments */)).

This makes the SomeApiController available at http://localhost:10080/api/some/v1/foo/bar. It is possible to register multiple controllers with the same context.

Note that the default port and path can be changed by configuring web.http.yourcontext.port and web.http.yourcontext.path.

1.3 Registering other resources

Any JAX-RS Resource (as per the JAX-RS Specification, Chapter 3. Resources) can be registered with the web server.

Examples of this in EDC are JSON-LD interceptors, that expand/compact JSON-LD on ingress and egress, respectively, and ContainerFilter instances that are used for request authentication.

1.4 API Authentication

1.4.1 Authentication configuration

The auth-configuration extension provides a way to configure available AuthenticationServices and bind them to a web context. To be compliant with the auth configuration, each AuthenticationService implementors should register an ApiAuthenticationProvider in the ApiAuthenticationProviderRegistry. Each ApiAuthenticationProvider it’s associated to an authentication type in the provider registry, and should create an instance of AuthenticationService based on the input Config.

private ApiAuthenticationProviderRegistry providerRegistry;

public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    // check the input config and build the `SuperCustomAuthService`
    providerRegistry.register("customauthtype", (config) -> Result.success(new SuperCustomAuthService()));

where the config is an object Config containing all the properties in the auth object web.http.*.auth.*

For example applying the new customauthtype to the management api context a configuration would look like this:


Currently available types are:

  • tokenbased (auth-tokenbased)
  • delegated (auth-delegated)

Example of configuring a tokenbased authentication for management web context:


1.4.2 Manual authentication wiring

In Jersey, one way to do request authentication is by implementing the ContainerRequestFilter interface. Usually, authentication and authorization information is communicated in the request header, so EDC defines the AuthenticationRequestFilter, which extracts the headers from the request, and forwards them to an AuthenticationService instance.

Implementations for the AuthenticationService interface must be registered by an extension:

private ApiAuthenticationRegistry authenticationRegistry;

private WebService webService;

public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    authenticationRegistry.register("your-api-auth", new SuperCustomAuthService());

    var authenticationFilter = new AuthenticationRequestFilter(authenticationRegistry, "your-api-auth");
    webService.registerResource("yourcontext", authenticationFilter);

This registers the request filter for the web context, and registers the authentication service within the request filter. That way, whenever a HTTP request hits the "yourcontext" servlet container, the request filter gets invoked, delegating to the SuperCustomAuthService instance.

2. Validators

Extending the API controller example from the previous chapter, we add input validation. The validatorRegistry variable is of type JsonObjectValidatorRegistry and contains Validators that are registered for an arbitrary string, but usually the @type field of a JSON-LD structure is used.

public JsonObject create(JsonObject someApiObject) {
    validatorRegistry.validate(SomeApiObject.TYPE_FIELD, someApiObject)

    // perform logic

A common pattern to construct a Validator for a JsonObject is to use the JsonObjectValidator:

public class SomeApiObjectValidator {
    public static Validator<JsonObject> instance() {
        return JsonObjectValidator.newValidator()
                .verify(path -> new TypeIs(path, SomeApiObject.TYPE_FIELD))
                .verifyObject(SomeApiObject.NESTED_OBJECT, v -> v.verifyId(MandatoryIdNotBlank::new))
                .verify(SomeApiObject.NAME_PROPERTY, MandatoryValue::new)

This validator asserts that, the @type field is equal to SomeApiObject.TYPE_FIELD, that the input object has an @id that is non-null, that the input object has a nested object on it, that also has an @id, and that the input object has a non-null property that contains the name.

Of course, defining a separate class that implements the Validator<JsonObject> interface is possible as well.

This validator must then be registered in the extension class with the JsonObjectValidatorRegistry:

// YourApiExtension.java
public void initialize() {
    validatorRegistry.register(SomeApiObject.TYPE_FIELD, SomeApiObjectValidator.instance());

3. Transformers

Transformers are among the EDC’s fundamental programming primitives. They are responsible for SerDes only, they are not supposed to perform any validation or any sort of business logic.

Recalling the code example from the API controllers chapter, we can add transformation as follows:

public JsonObject create(JsonObject someApiObject) {
    validatorRegistry.validate(SomeApiObject.TYPE_FIELD, someApiObject)

    // deserialize JSON -> SomeApiObject
    var someApiObject = typeTransformerRegistry.transform(someApiObject, SomeApiObject.class)
            .onFailure(f -> monitor.warning(/*warning message*/))

    var modifiedObject = someService.someServiceMethod(someApiObject);

    // serialize SomeApiObject -> JSON
    return typeTransformerRegistry.transform(modifiedObject, JsonObject.class)
            .orElseThrow(f -> new EdcException(f.getFailureDetail()));

Note that validation should always be done first, as it is supposed to operate on the raw JSON structure. A failing transformation indicates a client error, which is represented as a HTTP 400 error code. Throwing a ValidationFailureException takes care of that.

This example assumes, that the input object get processed by the service and the modified object is returned in the HTTP body.

The step sequence should always be: Validation, Transformation, Aggregate Service invocation.

4. Aggregate services

Aggregate services are merely an integration of several other services to provide a single, unified service contract to the caller. They should be understood as higher-order operations that delegate down to lower-level services. A typical example in EDC is when trying to delete an Asset. The AssetService would first check whether the asset in question is referenced by a ContractNegotiation, and - if not - delete the asset. For that it requires two collaborator services, an AssetIndex and a ContractNegotiationStore.

Likewise, when creating assets, the AssetService would first perform some validation, then create the asset (again using the AssetIndex) and the emit an event.

Note that the validation mentioned here is different from API validators. API validators only validate the structure of a JSON object, so check if mandatory fields are missing etc., whereas service validation asserts that all business rules are adhered to.

In addition to business logic, aggregate services are also responsible for transaction management, by enclosing relevant code with transaction boundaries:

public ServiceResult<SomeApiObject> someServiceMethod(SomeApiObject input) {
    transactionContext.execute(() -> {
        return ServiceResult.from(apiObjectStore.update(input))

the example presumes that the apiObjectStore returns a StoreResult object.

  • Events and callbacks

5. Data persistence

One important collaborator service for aggregate services is data persistence because ost operations involve some sort of persistence interaction. In EDC, these persistence services are often called “stores” and they usually provide CRUD functionality for entities.

Typically, stores fulfill the following contract:

  • all store operations are transactional, i.e. they run in a transactionContext
  • create and update are separate operations. Creating an existing object and updating a non-existent one should return errors
  • stores should have a query method that takes a QuerySpec object and returns either a Stream or a Collection. Read the next chapter for details.
  • stores return a StoreResult
  • stores don’t implement business logic.

5.1 In-Memory stores

By default and unless configured otherwise, EDC provides in-memory store implementations by default. These are light-weight, thread-safe Map -based implementations, that are intended for testing, demonstration and tutorial purposes only.

Querying in InMemory stores

Memory-stores are based on Java collection types and can therefor can make use of the capabilities of the Streaming-API for filtering and querying. What we are looking for is a way to convert a QuerySpec into a set of Streaming-API expressions. This is pretty straight forward for the offset, limit and sortOrder properties, because there are direct counterparts in the Streaming API.

For filter expressions (which are Criterion objects), we first need to convert each criterion into a Predicate which can be passed into the .filter() method.

Since all objects held by in-memory stores are just Java classes, we can perform the query based on field names which we obtain through Reflection. For this, we use a QueryResolver, in particular the ReflectionBasedQueryResolver.

The query resolver then attempts to find an instance field that corresponds to the leftOperand of a Criterion. Let’s assume a simple entity SimpleEntity:

public class SimpleEntity {
    private String name;

and a filter expression

  "leftOperand": "name",
  "operator": "=",
  "rightOperand": "foobar"

The QueryResolver attempts to resolve a field named "name" and resolve its assigned value, convert the "=" into a Predicate and pass "foobar" to the test() method. In other words, the QueryResolver checks, if the value assigned to a field that is identified by the leftOperand matches the value specified by rightOperand.

Here is a full example of how querying is implemented in in-memory stores:

Example: ContractDefinitionStore
public class InMemoryContractDefinitionStore implements ContractDefinitionStore {
  private final Map<String, ContractDefinition> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
  private final QueryResolver<ContractDefinition> queryResolver;

  // usually you can pass CriterionOperatorRegistryImpl.ofDefaults() here
  public InMemoryContractDefinitionStore(CriterionOperatorRegistry criterionOperatorRegistry) {
      queryResolver = new ReflectionBasedQueryResolver<>(ContractDefinition.class, criterionOperatorRegistry);

  public @NotNull Stream<ContractDefinition> findAll(QuerySpec spec) {
      return queryResolver.query(cache.values().stream(), spec);

  // other methods

6. Events and Callbacks

In EDC, all processing in the control plane is asynchronous and state changes are communicated by events. The base class for all events is Event.

6.1 Event vs EventEnvelope

Subclasses of Event are supposed to carry all relevant information pertaining to the event such as entity IDs. They are not supposed to carry event metadata such as event timestamp or event ID. These should be stored on the EventEnvelope class, which also contains the Event class as payload.

There are two ways how events can be consumed: in-process and webhooks

6.2 Registering for events (in-process)

This variant is applicable when events are to be consumed by a custom extension in an EDC runtime. The term “in-process” refers to the fact that event producer and event consumer run in the same Java process.

The entry point for event listening is the EventRouter interface, on which an EventSubscriber can be registered. There are two ways to register an EventSubscriber:

  • async: every event will be sent to the subscribers in an asynchronous way. Features:
    • fast, as the main thread won’t be blocked during event dispatch
    • not-reliable, as an eventual subscriber dispatch failure won’t get handled
    • to be used for notifications and for send-and-forget event dispatch
  • sync: every event will be sent to the subscriber in a synchronous way. Features:
    • slow, as the subscriber will block the main thread until the event is dispatched
    • reliable, an eventual exception will be thrown to the caller, and it could make a transactional fail
    • to be used for event persistence and to satisfy the “at-least-one” rule

The EventSubscriber is typed over the event kind (Class), and it will be invoked only if the type of the event matches the published one (instanceOf). The base class for all events is Event.

For example, developing an auditing extension could be done through event subscribers:

private EventRouter eventRouter;

public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    eventRouter.register(TransferProcessEvent.class, new AuditingEventHandler()); // sync dispatch
    // or
    eventRouter.registerSync(TransferProcessEvent.class, new AuditingEventHandler()); // async dispatch

Note that TransferProcessEvent is not a concrete class, it is a super class for all events related to transfer process events. This implies that subscribers can either be registered for “groups” of events or for concrete events (e.g. TransferProcessStarted).

The AuditingEventHandler could look like this:

public <E extends Event> void on(EventEnvelope<E> event) {
    if (event.getPayload() instanceof TransferProcessEvent transferProcessEvent) {
        // react to event

6.3 Registering for callbacks (webhooks)

This variant is applicable when adding extensions that contain event subscribers is not possible. Rather, the EDC runtime invokes a webhook when a particular event occurs and sends event data there.

Webhook information must be sent alongside in the request body of certain Management API requests. For details, please refer to the Management API documentation. Providing webhooks is only possible for certain events, for example when initiating a contract negotiation:

// POST /v3/contractnegotiations
  "@context": {
    "@vocab": "https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/"
  "@type": "https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/ContractRequest",
  "counterPartyAddress": "http://provider-address",
  "protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
  "policy": {
  "callbackAddresses": [
      "transactional": false,
      "uri": "http://callback/url",
      "events": [
      "authKey": "auth-key",
      "authCodeId": "auth-code-id"

If your webhook endpoint requires authentication, the secret must be sent in the authKey property. The authCodeId field should contain a string which EDC can use to temporarily store the secret in its secrets vault.

6.4 Emitting custom events

It is also possible to create and publish custom events on top of the EDC eventing system. To define the event, extend the Event class.

Rule of thumb: events should be named in past tense, to describe something that has already happened

public class SomethingHappened extends Event {

    private String description;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    private SomethingHappened() {

    // Builder class not shown

All the data pertaining an event should be stored in the Event class. Like any other events, custom events can be published through the EventRouter component:

public class ExampleBusinessLogic {
    public void doSomething() {
        // some business logic that does something
        var event = SomethingHappened.Builder.newInstance()
                .description("something interesting happened")

        var envelope = EventEnvelope.Builder.newInstance()


Please note that the at field is a timestamp that every event has, and it’s mandatory (please use the Clock to get the current timestamp).

6.5 Serialization and Deserialization of custom events

All events must be serializable, because of this, every class that extends Event will be serializable to JSON through the TypeManager service. The JSON structure will contain an additional field called type that describes the name of the event class. For example, a serialized EventEnvelope<SomethingHappened> event will look like:

  "type": "SomethingHappened",
  "at": 1654764642188,
  "payload": {
    "description": "something interesting happened"

In order to make such an event deserializable by the TypeManager is necessary to register the type:

typeManager.registerTypes(new NamedType(SomethingHappened.class, SomethingHappened .class.getSimpleName()));

doing so, the event can be deserialized using the EvenEnvelope class as type:

var deserialized = typeManager.readValue(json, EventEnvelope.class);
// deserialized will have the `EventEnvelope<SomethingHappened>` type at runtime

4 - Dependency Injection

1. Registering a service implementation

As a general rule, the module that provides the implementation also should register it with the ServiceExtensionContext. This is done in an accompanying service extension. For example, providing a “FunkyDB” based implementation for a FooStore (stores Foo objects) would require the following classes:

  1. A FooStore.java interface, located in SPI:
    public interface FooService {
        void store(Foo foo);
  2. A FunkyFooStore.java class implementing the interface, located in :extensions:funky:foo-store-funky:
    public class FunkyFooStore implements FooStore {
        void store(Foo foo){
            // ...
  3. A FunkyFooStoreExtension.java located also in :extensions:funky:foo-store-funky. Must be accompanied by a “provider-configuration file” as required by the ServiceLoader documentation. Code examples will follow below.

Every ServiceExtension may declare methods that are annotated with @Provider, which tells the dependency resolution mechanism, that this method contributes a dependency into the context. This is very similar to other DI containers, e.g. Spring’s @Bean annotation. It looks like this:

public class FunkyFooStoreExtension implements ServiceExtension {

    public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
        // ...

    //Example 1: no args
    public SomeService provideSomeService() {
        return new SomeServiceImpl();

    //Example 2: using context
    public FooStore provideFooStore(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
        var setting = context.getConfig("...", null);
        return new FunkyFooStore(setting);

As the previous code snipped shows, provider methods may have no args, or a single argument, which is the ServiceExtensionContext. There are a few other restrictions too. Violating these will raise an exception. Provider methods must:

  • be public
  • return a value (void is not allowed)
  • either have no arguments, or a single ServiceExtensionContext.

Declaring a provider method is equivalent to invoking context.registerService(SomeService.class, new SomeServiceImpl()). Thus, the return type of the method defines the service type, whatever is returned by the provider method determines the implementation of the service.

Caution: there is a slight difference between declaring @Provider methods and calling service.registerService(...) with respect to sequence: the DI loader mechanism first invokes ServiceExtension#initialize(), and then invokes all provider methods. In most situations this difference is negligible, but there could be situations, where it is not.

1.2 Provide “defaults”

Where @Provider methods really come into their own is when providing default implementations. This means we can have a fallback implementation. For example, going back to our FooStore example, there could be an extension that provides a default (=in-mem) implementation:

public class DefaultsExtension implements ServiceExtension {

    @Provider(isDefault = true)
    public FooStore provideDefaultFooStore() {
        return new InMemoryFooStore();

Provider methods configured with isDefault=true are only invoked, if the respective service (here: FooStore) is not provided by any other extension.

As a general programming rule, every SPI should come with a default implementation if possible.

Default provider methods are a tricky topic, please be sure to thoroughly read the additional documentation about them here!

Of course, it is also possible to manually register services by invoking the respective method on the ServiceExtensionContext

@Provides(FooStore.class/*, possibly others*/)
public class FunkyFooStoreExtension implements ServiceExtension {

    public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
        var setting = context.getConfig("...", null);
        var store = new FunkyFooStore(setting);
        context.registerService(FooStore.class, store);

There are three important things to mention:

  1. the call to context.registerService() makes the object available in the context. From this point on other extensions can inject a FooStore (and in doing so will provide a FunkyFooStore).
  2. the interface class must be listed in the @Provides() annotation, because it helps the extension loader to determine in which order in which it needs to initialize extensions
  3. service registrations must be done in the initialize() method.

2. Injecting a service

As with other DI mechanisms, services should only be referenced by the interface they implement. This will keep dependencies clean and maintain extensibility, modularity and testability. Say we have a FooMaintenanceService that receives Foo objects over an arbitrary network channel and stores them.

public class FooMaintenanceService {
    private final FooStore fooStore;

    public FooMaintenanceService(FooStore fooStore) {
        this.fooStore = fooStore;

Note that the example uses what we call constructor injection (even though nothing is actually injected), because that is needed for object construction, and it increases testability. Also, those types of instance members should be declared final to avoid programming errors.

In contrast to conventional DI frameworks the fooStore dependency won’t get auto-injected - rather, this is done in a ServiceExtension that accompanies the FooMaintenanceService and that injects FooStore:

public class FooMaintenanceExtension implements ServiceExtension {
    private FooStore fooStore;

    public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
        var service = new FooMaintenanceService(fooStore); //use the injected field

The @Inject annotation on the fooStore field tells the extension loading mechanism that FooMaintenanceExtension depends on a FooService and because of that, any provider of a FooStore must be initialized before the FooMaintenanceExtension. Our FunkyFooStoreExtension from the previous chapter provides a FooStore.

2.2 Use @Requires to declare dependencies

In cases where defining a field seems unwieldy or is simply not desirable, we provide another way to dynamically resolve service from the context:

@Requires({ FooService.class, /*maybe others*/ })
public class FooMaintenanceExtension implements ServiceExtension {

    public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
        var fooStore = context.getService(FooStore.class);
        var service = new FooMaintenanceService(fooStore); //use the resolved object

The @Requires annotation is necessary to inform the service loader about the dependency. Failing to add it may potentially result in a skewed initialization order, and in further consequence, in an EdcInjectionException.

Both options are almost semantically equivalent, except for optional dependencies: while @Inject(required=false) allows for nullable dependencies, @Requires has no such option and the service dependency must be resolved by explicitly allowing it to be optional: context.getService(FooStore.class, true).

3. Injecting configuration values

Most extension classes will require some sort of configuration values, for example a connection string to a third-party service, some timeout value for a scheduled task etc. The classic EDC way is to read them from the ServiceExtensionContext:

public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
    var requiredValue = context.getConfig().getString("some.required.value");
    var optionalValue = context.getConfig().getLong("some.optional.value", "default-foo-bar");

3.1 Value injection

However, configuration values can also be injected into the extension class. Thus, the code sample above can be rewritten as:

public class SomeExtension implements ServiceExtension {

    @Setting(description = "your description", key = "some.required.value", required = true)
    private String requiredValue;

    @Setting(description = "your description", key = "some.optional.value", required = false, defaultValue = "default-foo-bar")
    private long optionalValue;

It should be noted, that configuration injection happens during the dependency resolution phase of the runtime, which is before the initialize() method is called. Further, the required = false attributed in the second annotation is not needed, because the presence of a defaultValue attribute implies that.

If there was no defaultValue, and required = false, then the optionalValue would be null if the value is not configured.

3.2 Config object injection

Extensions with many config values can get hard to read at times - a good portion of the code is likely just reading and handling config values. For those cases there is an option to inject config values via a configuration object.

Configuration objects are POJOs with no logic of their own, that are:

  • normal classes annotated with @Settings (plural), with a public default constructor and with fields annotated with @Setting
  • record classes annotated with @Settings, where all constructor arguments are annotated with @Setting

for example:

public class DatabaseConfig {
    @Setting(description = "...", key = "db.url")
    private String url;

    @Setting(description = "...", key = "db.user")
    private String dbUser;

    @Setting(description = "...", key = "db.password")
    private String dbPassword;

    public DatabaseConfig() {
        // only needed if there is another CTor as well

This is equivalent to the following (more condensed) version:

public record DatabaseConfig(@Setting(description = "...", key = "db.url") String url,
                             @Setting(description = "...", key = "db.user") String dbUser,
                             @Setting(description = "...", key = "db.password") String dbPassword) {

in the EDC code base we tend to favor the record variant, because it is less verbose, but either variant will work. To use the config object in an extension, simply inject it like this:

public class SomeExtension implements ServiceExtension {
    private DatabaseConfig databaseConfig;

It should be noted, that configuration objects cannot be nested, and cannot be declared optional explicitly. They are regarded as optional if all their nested properties are optional or have a default value, and are regarded mandatory if there is one or more properties that are mandatory.

As a general rule of thumb, we recommend using configuration objects when there are 5 or more related configuration values.

3.3. Handling dependent configuration

There might be situations where a configuration value depends on another configuration value, or either one of two must be present, etc. We call that dependent configuration values.

In those cases it is recommended to declare the configuration values a required = false, and implement custom logic in the initialize() method of the extension:

public class SomeExtension implements ServiceExtension {

    @Setting(description = "your description", key = "some.value1", required = false)
    private String value1;

    @Setting(description = "your description", key = "some.value2", required = false)
    private long value2;

    public void initialize(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
        // assume value2 is mandatory if value1 is present
        if (value1 != null && value2 == null) {
            throw new EdcException("...");

        //else continue intialization

Another slightly more complex situation may surface if a configuration value is only required if a default service is used at runtime:

public class SomeExtension implements ServiceExtension {

    @Setting(description = "your description", key = "some.value1", required = false)
    private String value1;

    @Setting(description = "your description", key = "some.value2", required = false)
    private long value2;

    @Provider(isDefault = true)
    public SomeService defaultService() {
        if (value1 == null || value2 == null) {
            throw new EdcException("...");
        return new DefaultSomeService(value1, value2);

Note that in this case the exception is thrown during extension initialization rather than during dependency resolution.

4. Extension initialization sequence

The extension loading mechanism uses a two-pass procedure to resolve dependencies. First, all implementations of ServiceExtension are instantiated using their public default constructor, and sorted using a topological sort algorithm based on their dependency graph. Cyclic dependencies would be reported in this stage.

Second, the extension is initialized by setting all fields annotated with @Inject and by calling its initialize() method. This implies that every extension can assume that by the time its initialize() method executes, all its dependencies are already registered with the context, because the extension(s) providing them were ordered at previous positions in the list, and thus have already been initialized.

5. Testing extension classes

To test classes using the @Inject annotation, use the appropriate JUnit extension @DependencyInjectionExtension:

class FooMaintenanceExtensionTest {
    private final FooStore mockStore = mock();

    void setUp(ServiceExtensionContext context) {
        context.registerService(FooStore.class, mockStore);

    void testInitialize(FooMaintenanceExtension extension, ServiceExtensionContext context) {

6. Advanced concepts: default providers

In this chapter we will use the term “default provider” and “default provider method” synonymously to refer to a method annotated with @Provider(isDefault=true). Similarly, “provider”, “provider method” or “factory method” refer to methods annotated with just @Provider.

6.1 Fallbacks versus extensibility

Default provider methods are intended to provide fallback implementations for services rather than to achieve extensibility - that is what extensions are for. There is a subtle but important semantic difference between fallback implementations and extensibility:

6.2 Fallback implementations

Fallbacks are meant as safety net, in case developers forget or don’t want to add a specific implementation for a service. It is there so as not to end up without an implementation for a service interface. A good example for this are in-memory store implementations. It is expected that an actual persistence implementation is contributed by another extension. In-mem stores get you up and running quickly, but we wouldn’t recommend using them in production environments. Typically, fallbacks should not have any dependencies onto other services.

Default-provided services, even though they are on the classpath, only get instantiated if there is no other implementation.

6.3 Extensibility

In contrast, extensibility refers to the possibility of swapping out one implementation of a service for another by choosing the respective module at compile time. Each implementation must therefore be contained in its own java module, and the choice between one or the other is made by referencing one or the other in the build file. The service implementation is typically instantiated and provided by its own extension. In this case, the @Provider-annotation ** must not** have the isDefault attribute. This is also the case if there will likely only ever be one implementation for a service.

One example for extensibility is the IdentityService: there could be several implementations for it (OAuth, DecentralizedIdentity, Keycloak etc.), but providing either one as default would make little sense, because all of them require external services to work. Each implementation would be in its own module and get instantiated by its own extension.

Provided services get instantiated only if they are on the classpath, but always get instantiated.

6.4 Deep-dive into extension lifecycle management

Generally speaking every extension goes through these lifecycle stages during loading:

  • inject: all fields annotated with @Inject are resolved
  • initialize: the initialize() method is invoked. All required collaborators are expected to be resolved after this.
  • provide: all @Provider methods are invoked, the object they return is registered in the context.

Due to the fact that default provider methods act a safety net, they only get invoked if no other provider method offers the same service type. However, what may be a bit misleading is the fact that they typically get invoked during the inject phase. The following section will demonstrate this.

6.5 Example 1 - provider method

Recall that @Provider methods get invoked regardless, and after the initialze phase. That means, assuming both extensions are on the classpath, the extension that declares the provider method (= ExtensionA) will get fully instantiated before another extension (= ExtensionB) can use the provided object:

public class ExtensionA { // gets loaded first
    private SomeStore store; // provided by some other extension

    public SomeService getSomeService() {
        return new SomeServiceImpl(store);

public class ExtensionB { // gets loaded second
    private SomeService service;

After building the dependency graph, the loader mechanism would first fully construct ExtensionA, i.e. getSomeService() is invoked, and the instance of SomeServiceImpl is registered in the context. Note that this is done regardless whether another extension actually injects a SomeService. After that, ExtensionB gets constructed, and by the time it goes through its inject phase, the injected SomeService is already in the context, so the SomeService field gets resolved properly.

6.6 Example 2 - default provider method

Methods annotated with @Provider(isDefault=true) only get invoked if there is no other provider method for that service, and at the time when the corresponding @Inject is resolved. Modifying example 1 slightly we get:

public class ExtensionA {

    private SomeStore store;

    @Provider(isDefault = true)
    public SomeService getSomeService() {
        return new SomeServiceImpl(store);

public class ExtensionB {
    private SomeService service;

The biggest difference here is the point in time at which getSomeService is invoked. Default provider methods get invoked when the @Inject dependency is resolved, because that is the “latest” point in time that that decision can be made. That means, they get invoked during ExtensionB’s inject phase, and not during ExtensionA’s provide phase. There is no guarantee that ExtensionA is already initialized by that time, because the extension loader does not know whether it needs to invoke getSomeService at all, until the very last moment, i.e. when resolving ExtensionB’s service field. By that time, the dependency graph is already built.

Consequently, default provider methods could (and likely would) get invoked before the defining extension’s provide phase has completed. They even could get invoked before the initialize phase has completed: consider the following situation the previous example:

  1. all implementors of ServiceExtension get constructed by the Java ServiceLoader
  2. ExtensionB gets loaded, runs through its inject phase
  3. no provider for SomeService, thus the default provider kicks in
  4. ExtensionA.getSomeService() is invoked, but ExtensionA is not yet loaded -> store is null
  5. -> potential NPE

Because there is no explicit ordering in how the @Inject fields are resolved, the order may depend on several factors, like the Java version or specific JVM used, the classloader and/or implementation of reflection used, etc.

6.7 Usage guidelines when using default providers

From the previous sections and the examples demonstrated above we can derive a few important guidelines:

  • do not use them to achieve extensibility. That is what extensions are for.
  • use them only to provide a fallback implementation
  • they should not depend on other injected fields (as those may still be null)
  • they should be in their own dedicated extension (cf. DefaultServicesExtension) and Java module
  • do not provide and inject the same service in one extension
  • rule of thumb: unless you know exactly what you’re doing and why you need them - don’t use them!

7. Limitations

  • Only available in ServiceExtension: services can only be injected into ServiceExtension objects at this time as they are the main hook points for plugins, and they have a clearly defined interface. All subsequent object creation must be done manually using conventional mechanisms like constructors or builders.

  • No multiple registrations: registering two implementations for an interface will result in the first registration being overwritten by the second registration. If both providers have the same topological ordering it is undefined which comes first. A warning is posted to the Monitor.

    It was a conscientious architectural decision to forego multiple service registrations for the sake of simplicity and clean design. Patterns like composites or delegators exist for those rare cases where having multiple implementors of the same interface is indeed needed. Those should be used sparingly and not without good reason.

  • No collection-based injection: Because there can be only ever one implementation for a service, it is not possible to inject a collection of implementors as it is in other DI frameworks.

  • Field injection only: @Inject can only target fields. For example public SomeExtension(@Inject SomeService someService){ ... } would not be possible.

  • No named dependencies: dependencies cannot be decorated with an identifier, which would technically allow for multiple service registrations (using different tags). Technically this is linked to the limitation of single service registrations.

  • Direct inheritors/implementors only: this is not due to a limitation of the dependency injection mechanism, but rather due to the way how the context maintains service registrations: it simply maintains a Map containing interface class and implementation type.

  • Cyclic dependencies: cyclic dependencies are detected by the TopologicalSort algorithm

  • No generic dependencies: @Inject private SomeInterface<SomeType> foobar is not possible.

5 - Extension Model

1. Extension basics

Three things are needed to register an extension module with the EDC runtime:

  1. a class that implements ServiceExtension
  2. a provider-configuration file
  3. adding the module to your runtime’s build file. EDC uses Gradle, so your runtime build file should contain

Extensions should not contain business logic or application code. Their main job is to

  • read and handle configuration
  • instantiate and register services with the service context (read more here)
  • allocate and free resources, for example scheduled tasks

2. Autodoc and Metamodel Annotations

EDC can automatically generate documentation about its extensions, about the settings used therein and about its extension points. This feature is available as Gradle task:

./gardlew autodoc

Upon execution, this task generates a JSON file located at build/edc.json, which contains structural information about the extension, for example:

Autodoc output in edc.json
    "categories": [],
    "extensions": [
        "categories": [],
        "provides": [
            "service": "org.eclipse.edc.web.spi.WebService"
            "service": "org.eclipse.edc.web.spi.validation.InterceptorFunctionRegistry"
        "references": [
            "service": "org.eclipse.edc.web.spi.WebServer",
            "required": true
            "service": "org.eclipse.edc.spi.types.TypeManager",
            "required": true
        "configuration": [
            "key": "edc.web.rest.cors.methods",
            "required": false,
            "type": "string",
            "description": "",
            "defaultValue": "",
            "deprecated": false
          // other settings
        "name": "JerseyExtension",
        "type": "extension",
        "overview": null,
        "className": "org.eclipse.edc.web.jersey.JerseyExtension"
    "extensionPoints": [],
    "modulePath": "org.eclipse.edc:jersey-core",
    "version": "0.8.2-SNAPSHOT",
    "name": null

To achieve this, the EDC Runtime Metamodel defines several annotations. These are not required for compilation, but they should be added to the appropriate classes and fields with proper attributes to enable good documentation. For detailed information please read this chapter.

Note that @Provider, @Inject, @Provides and @Requires are used by Autodoc to resolve the dependency graph for documentation, but they are also used by the runtime to resolve service dependencies. Read more about that here.

3. Configuration and best practices

One important task of extensions is to read and handle configuration. For this, the ServiceExtensionContext interface provides the getConfig() group of methods.

Configuration values can be optional, i.e. they have a default value, or they can be mandatory, i.e. no default value. Attempting to resolve a mandatory configuration value that was not specified will raise an EdcException.

EDC’s configuration API can resolve configuration from three places, in this order:

  1. from a ConfigurationExtension: this is a special extension class that provides a Config object. EDC ships with a file-system based config extension.
  2. from environment variables: edc.someconfig.someval would map to EDC_SOMECONFIG_SOMEVAL
  3. from Java Properties: can be passed in through CLI arguments, e.g. -Dedc.someconfig.someval=...

Best practices when handling configuration:

  • resolve early, fail fast: configuration values should be resolved and validated as early as possible in the extension’s initialize() method.
  • don’t pass the context: it is a code smell if the ServiceExtensionContext is passed into a service to resolve config
  • annotate: every setting should have a @Setting annotation
  • no magic defaults: default values should be declard as constants in the extension class and documented in the @Setting annotation.
  • no secrets: configuration is the wrong place to store secrets
  • naming convention: every config value should start with edc.