Welcome to the EDC Community

Do you have a question, want to file an issue, or are interested in contributing to EDC?
We expect all members to adhere to the Eclipse Code of Conduct

  Key Repositories

EDC is hosted in multiple repositories organized by function. The key EDC repositories are:
   Connector - Control Plane and Data Plane
   Federated Catalog - Data Catalog
   Identity Hub - Decentralized Identity
   MVD - Complete Dataspace Setup
   Samples - Getting Started Tutorials
Cloud-specific extensions are hosted in individual technology repositories.

  Asking a Question

If you have a question about how to use EDC, please ask on Discord
If you have a question about the EDC codebase or would like to explore the feasibility of a new feature, open a discussion in the appropriate GitHub repository. Please do not open a discussion about how to use EDC (use Discord instead).

  Filing an Issue

If you think you have identified a bug please do the following:
  If you have a setup question or a build problem, do not file an issue, open a discussion.
1  Search existing issues in the appropriate GitHub repository's issue page.
2  If an issue appears to cover changes that will significantly impact the codebase, open a discussion before creating an issue.
3  Label the issue and include clear steps to reproduce it.
4  The issue will have a greater chance of being addressed if you include a self-contained test case.
  The project uses a bot that closes stale issues. Details can be found in the Contribution Guidelines.


We welcome contributions and appreciate your interest. If you would like to contribute to EDC:
1  Invest time in thoroughly understanding the EDC codebase and reading the Contribution Guidelines.
2  We highly recommend starting by contributing documentation.
3  Chose issues labeled Good First Issue. Please do not select other issues unless asked by a committer.
4  Request feedback early by opening a discussion and submitting a draft PR.